Source code for cam.utilities.orient_utils
"""Fabex '' © 2012 Vilem Novak
import bpy
from mathutils import Vector
from .simple_utils import delete_object
def add_orientation_object(o):
"""Set up orientation for a milling object.
This function creates an orientation object in the Blender scene for
4-axis and 5-axis milling operations. It checks if an orientation object
with the specified name already exists, and if not, it adds a new empty
object of type 'ARROWS'. The function then configures the rotation locks
and initial rotation angles based on the specified machine axes and
rotary axis.
o (object): An object containing properties such as name,
name = + " orientation"
s = bpy.context.scene
if s.objects.find(name) == -1:
bpy.ops.object.empty_add(type="ARROWS", align="WORLD", location=(0, 0, 0))
ob = bpy.context.active_object
ob.empty_draw_size = 0.05
ob.show_name = True = name
ob = s.objects[name]
if o.machine_axes == "4":
if o.rotary_axis_1 == "X":
ob.lock_rotation = [False, True, True]
ob.rotation_euler[1] = 0
ob.rotation_euler[2] = 0
if o.rotary_axis_1 == "Y":
ob.lock_rotation = [True, False, True]
ob.rotation_euler[0] = 0
ob.rotation_euler[2] = 0
if o.rotary_axis_1 == "Z":
ob.lock_rotation = [True, True, False]
ob.rotation_euler[0] = 0
ob.rotation_euler[1] = 0
elif o.machine_axes == "5":
ob.lock_rotation = [False, False, True]
ob.rotation_euler[2] = 0 # this will be a bit hard to rotate.....
def remove_orientation_object(o):
"""Remove an orientation object from the current Blender scene.
This function constructs the name of the orientation object based on the
name of the provided object and attempts to find and delete it from the
Blender scene. If the orientation object exists, it will be removed
using the `delob` function.
o (Object): The object whose orientation object is to be removed.
# not working
name = + " orientation"
if bpy.context.scene.objects.find(name) > -1:
ob = bpy.context.scene.objects[name]
def rotation_to_2_axes(e, axescombination):
"""Converts an Orientation Object Rotation to Rotation Defined by 2
Rotational Axes on the Machine.
This function takes an orientation object and a specified axes
combination, and computes the angles of rotation around two axes based
on the provided orientation. It supports different axes combinations for
indexed machining. The function utilizes vector mathematics to determine
the angles of rotation and returns them as a tuple.
e (OrientationObject): The orientation object representing the rotation.
axescombination (str): A string indicating the axes combination ('CA' or 'CB').
tuple: A tuple containing two angles (float) representing the rotation
around the specified axes.
v = Vector((0, 0, 1))
# if axes
if axescombination == "CA":
v2d = Vector((v.x, v.y))
# ?is this right?It should be vector defining 0 rotation
a1base = Vector((0, -1))
if v2d.length > 0:
cangle = a1base.angle_signed(v2d)
return (0, 0)
v2d = Vector((v2d.length, v.z))
a2base = Vector((0, 1))
aangle = a2base.angle_signed(v2d)
print("Angles", cangle, aangle)
return (cangle, aangle)
elif axescombination == "CB":
v2d = Vector((v.x, v.y))
# ?is this right?It should be vector defining 0 rotation
a1base = Vector((1, 0))
if v2d.length > 0:
cangle = a1base.angle_signed(v2d)
return (0, 0)
v2d = Vector((v2d.length, v.z))
a2base = Vector((0, 1))
bangle = a2base.angle_signed(v2d)
print("Angles", cangle, bangle)
return (cangle, bangle)