Source code for

"""Fabex ''

'Interface' properties and panel in Properties > Render

import bpy
from bpy.props import EnumProperty
from bpy.types import PropertyGroup

from ..ui.panels.area_panel import CAM_AREA_Panel
from ..ui.panels.basrelief import BASRELIEF_Panel
from ..ui.panels.chains_panel import CAM_CHAINS_Panel
from ..ui.panels.curve_create_panel import VIEW3D_PT_tools_create
from ..ui.panels.curve_tools_panel import VIEW3D_PT_tools_curvetools
from ..ui.panels.cutter_panel import CAM_CUTTER_Panel
from ..ui.panels.feedrate_panel import CAM_FEEDRATE_Panel
from ..ui.panels.gcode_panel import CAM_GCODE_Panel
from ..ui.panels.info_panel import CAM_INFO_Panel
from ..ui.panels.machine_panel import CAM_MACHINE_Panel
from ..ui.panels.material_panel import CAM_MATERIAL_Panel
from ..ui.panels.movement_panel import CAM_MOVEMENT_Panel
from ..ui.panels.op_properties_panel import CAM_OPERATION_PROPERTIES_Panel
from ..ui.panels.operations_panel import CAM_OPERATIONS_Panel
from ..ui.panels.optimisation_panel import CAM_OPTIMISATION_Panel
from ..ui.panels.pack_panel import CAM_PACK_Panel
from ..ui.panels.slice_panel import CAM_SLICE_Panel

[docs] def update_interface(self, context): # set default for new files addon_prefs = context.preferences.addons["bl_ext.user_default.fabex"].preferences addon_prefs.default_interface_level = context.scene.interface.level bpy.ops.wm.save_userpref()
[docs] def update_shading(self, context): view3d = [a.spaces[0] for a in context.screen.areas if a.type == "VIEW_3D"][0] shading = view3d.shading overlay = view3d.overlay if context.scene.interface.shading == "DEFAULT": shading.type = "SOLID" shading.color_type = "MATERIAL" shading.show_shadows = False shading.show_cavity = False shading.use_dof = False overlay.show_overlays = True overlay.show_floor = True overlay.show_axis_x = True overlay.show_axis_y = True elif context.scene.interface.shading == "DELUXE": shading.type = "SOLID" shading.color_type = "OBJECT" shading.show_shadows = True shading.show_cavity = True shading.cavity_type = "BOTH" shading.use_dof = True overlay.show_overlays = True overlay.show_floor = True overlay.show_axis_x = True overlay.show_axis_y = True elif context.scene.interface.shading == "CLEAN_DEFAULT": shading.type = "SOLID" shading.color_type = "MATERIAL" shading.show_shadows = False shading.show_cavity = False shading.use_dof = False overlay.show_overlays = True overlay.show_floor = False overlay.show_axis_x = False overlay.show_axis_y = False elif context.scene.interface.shading == "CLEAN_DELUXE": shading.type = "SOLID" shading.color_type = "OBJECT" shading.show_shadows = True shading.show_cavity = True shading.cavity_type = "BOTH" shading.use_dof = True overlay.show_overlays = True overlay.show_floor = False overlay.show_axis_x = False overlay.show_axis_y = False elif context.scene.interface.shading == "PREVIEW": shading.type = "MATERIAL" shading.studio_light = "interior.exr" overlay.show_overlays = False addon_prefs = context.preferences.addons["bl_ext.user_default.fabex"].preferences addon_prefs.default_shading = context.scene.interface.shading bpy.ops.wm.save_userpref()
[docs] def update_layout(self, context): # Layout preset dicts to fill out panel bl_ attributes properties = { "space": "PROPERTIES", "region": "WINDOW", "context": "render", "category": "", } sidebar = { "space": "VIEW_3D", "region": "UI", "context": "", "category": "CNC", } tools = { "space": "VIEW_3D", "region": "TOOLS", "context": "objectmode", "category": "", } # Unregister all permanent panels try: unregister_classes = [ bpy.types.FABEX_PT_CAM_OPERATION_AREA, bpy.types.FABEX_PT_CAM_CHAINS, bpy.types.FABEX_PT_CAM_CUTTER, bpy.types.FABEX_PT_CAM_FEEDRATE, bpy.types.FABEX_PT_CAM_GCODE, bpy.types.FABEX_PT_CAM_INFO, bpy.types.FABEX_PT_CAM_MACHINE, bpy.types.FABEX_PT_CAM_MATERIAL, bpy.types.FABEX_PT_CAM_MOVEMENT, bpy.types.FABEX_PT_CAM_OPERATION, bpy.types.FABEX_PT_CAM_OPERATIONS, bpy.types.FABEX_PT_CAM_OPTIMISATION, bpy.types.VIEW3D_PT_tools_curvetools, bpy.types.VIEW3D_PT_tools_create, ] for cls in unregister_classes: bpy.utils.unregister_class(cls) except AttributeError: pass main_classes = [ CAM_CHAINS_Panel, CAM_OPERATIONS_Panel, CAM_MATERIAL_Panel, CAM_MACHINE_Panel, ] operation_classes = [ CAM_OPERATION_PROPERTIES_Panel, CAM_AREA_Panel, CAM_CUTTER_Panel, CAM_FEEDRATE_Panel, CAM_GCODE_Panel, CAM_MOVEMENT_Panel, CAM_OPTIMISATION_Panel, ] tools_classes = [ VIEW3D_PT_tools_curvetools, VIEW3D_PT_tools_create, CAM_INFO_Panel, ] # Create 3 empty lists to hold the classes we want to assign to each area properties_area_classes = [] sidebar_area_classes = [] tools_area_classes = [] addon_prefs = context.preferences.addons["bl_ext.user_default.fabex"].preferences panel_layout = context.scene.interface.layout main_location = context.scene.interface.main_location operation_location = context.scene.interface.operation_location tools_location = context.scene.interface.tools_location if panel_layout == "CLASSIC": main_location = "PROPERTIES" operation_location = "PROPERTIES" tools_location = "TOOLS" elif panel_layout == "MODERN": main_location = "PROPERTIES" operation_location = "SIDEBAR" tools_location = "TOOLS" elif panel_layout == "USER": main_location = addon_prefs.user_main_location operation_location = addon_prefs.user_operation_location tools_location = addon_prefs.user_tools_location # Assign Panels to their location # Main Panels if main_location == "PROPERTIES": for cls in main_classes: properties_area_classes.append(cls) elif main_location == "SIDEBAR": for cls in main_classes: sidebar_area_classes.append(cls) elif main_location == "TOOLS": for cls in main_classes: tools_area_classes.append(cls) # Operation Panels if operation_location == "PROPERTIES": for cls in operation_classes: properties_area_classes.append(cls) elif operation_location == "SIDEBAR": for cls in operation_classes: sidebar_area_classes.append(cls) elif operation_location == "TOOLS": for cls in operation_classes: tools_area_classes.append(cls) # Tools Panels if tools_location == "PROPERTIES": for cls in tools_classes: properties_area_classes.append(cls) elif tools_location == "SIDEBAR": for cls in tools_classes: sidebar_area_classes.append(cls) elif tools_location == "TOOLS": for cls in tools_classes: tools_area_classes.append(cls) # Re-register the panels in their new areas # Properties Area for cls in properties_area_classes: cls.bl_space_type = properties["space"] cls.bl_region_type = properties["region"] cls.bl_context = properties["context"] cls.bl_category = properties["category"] bpy.utils.register_class(cls) # Sidebar (N-Panel) Area for cls in sidebar_area_classes: cls.bl_space_type = sidebar["space"] cls.bl_region_type = sidebar["region"] cls.bl_context = sidebar["context"] cls.bl_category = sidebar["category"] bpy.utils.register_class(cls) # Tools (T-Panel) Area for cls in tools_area_classes: cls.bl_space_type = tools["space"] cls.bl_region_type = tools["region"] cls.bl_context = tools["context"] cls.bl_category = tools["category"] bpy.utils.register_class(cls) # Update Preferences with current settings and save addon_prefs.default_layout = panel_layout addon_prefs.default_main_location = main_location addon_prefs.default_operation_location = operation_location addon_prefs.default_tools_location = tools_location bpy.ops.wm.save_userpref()
[docs] def update_user_layout(self, context): # Update the settings for the User layout preset main_location = context.scene.interface.main_location operation_location = context.scene.interface.operation_location tools_location = context.scene.interface.tools_location addon_prefs = context.preferences.addons["bl_ext.user_default.fabex"].preferences addon_prefs.user_main_location = main_location addon_prefs.user_operation_location = operation_location addon_prefs.user_tools_location = tools_location bpy.ops.wm.save_userpref()
[docs] class CAM_INTERFACE_Properties(PropertyGroup):
[docs] level: EnumProperty( name="Interface", description="Choose visible options", items=[ ("0", "Basic", "Only show essential options", "", 0), ("1", "Advanced", "Show advanced options", "", 1), ("2", "Complete", "Show all options", "", 2), ("3", "Experimental", "Show experimental options", "EXPERIMENTAL", 3), ], default="0", update=update_interface, )
[docs] shading: EnumProperty( name="Shading", description="Choose viewport shading preset", items=[ ("DEFAULT", "Default", "Standard viewport shading"), ("DELUXE", "Deluxe", "Cavity, Curvature, Depth of Field, Shadows & Object Colors"), ("CLEAN_DEFAULT", "Clean Default", "Standard viewport shading with no overlays"), ("CLEAN_DELUXE", "Clean Deluxe", "Deluxe shading with no overlays"), ("PREVIEW", "Preview", "HDRI Lighting Preview"), ], default="DEFAULT", update=update_shading, )
[docs] layout: EnumProperty( name="Layout", description="Presets for all panel locations", items=[ ( "CLASSIC", "Classic", "Properties Area holds most panels, Tools holds the rest", ), ( "MODERN", "Modern", "Properties holds Main panels, Sidebar holds Operation panels, Tools holds Tools", ), ( "USER", "User", "Define your own locations for panels", ), ], default="MODERN", update=update_layout, )
[docs] main_location: EnumProperty( name="Main Panels", description="Location for Chains, Operations, Material, Machine, Pack, Slice Panels", items=[ ( "PROPERTIES", "Properties", "Default panel location is the Render tab of the Properties Area", ), ( "SIDEBAR", "Sidebar (N-Panel)", "Common location for addon UI, press N to show/hide", ), ( "TOOLS", "Tools (T-Panel)", "Blender's Tool area, press T to show/hide", ), ], default="PROPERTIES", update=update_user_layout, )
[docs] operation_location: EnumProperty( name="Operation Panels", description="Location for Setup, Area, Cutter, Feedrate, Optimisation, Movement, G-code", items=[ ( "PROPERTIES", "Properties", "Default panel location is the Render tab of the Properties Area", ), ( "SIDEBAR", "Sidebar (N-Panel)", "Common location for addon UI, press N to show/hide", ), ( "TOOLS", "Tools (T-Panel)", "Blender's Tool area, press T to show/hide", ), ], default="SIDEBAR", update=update_user_layout, )
[docs] tools_location: EnumProperty( name="Tools Panels", description="Location for Curve Tools, Curve Creators, Info", items=[ ( "PROPERTIES", "Properties", "Default panel location is the Render tab of the Properties Area", ), ( "SIDEBAR", "Sidebar (N-Panel)", "Common location for addon UI, press N to show/hide", ), ( "TOOLS", "Tools (T-Panel)", "Blender's Tool area, press T to show/hide", ), ], default="TOOLS", update=update_user_layout, )
[docs] def draw_interface(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.use_property_split = True layout.use_property_decorate = False if context.engine == "FABEX_RENDER": col = layout.column() col.prop(context.scene.interface, "level") col.prop(context.scene.interface, "layout") col.prop(context.scene.interface, "shading")