Source code for cam.preferences

"""Fabex ''

Class to store all Addon preferences.

import bpy
from bpy.props import (
from bpy.types import (

from .utilities.version_utils import opencamlib_version, shapely_version

[docs] class CamAddonPreferences(AddonPreferences): # this must match the addon name, use '__package__' # when defining this in a submodule of a python package.
[docs] bl_idname = __package__
[docs] op_preset_update: BoolProperty( name="Have the Operation Presets Been Updated", default=False, )
[docs] default_interface_level: EnumProperty( name="Interface Level in New File", description="Choose visible options", items=[ ( "0", "Basic", "Only show Essential Options", ), ( "1", "Advanced", "Show Advanced Options", ), ( "2", "Complete", "Show All Options", ), ( "3", "Experimental", "Show Experimental Options", ), ], default="3", )
[docs] default_shading: EnumProperty( name="Viewport Shading in New File", description="Choose viewport shading preset", items=[ ( "DEFAULT", "Default", "Standard viewport shading", ), ( "DELUXE", "Deluxe", "Cavity, Curvature, Depth of Field, Shadows & Object Colors", ), ( "CLEAN_DEFAULT", "Clean Default", "Standard viewport shading with no overlays", ), ( "CLEAN_DELUXE", "Clean Deluxe", "Deluxe shading with no overlays", ), ( "PREVIEW", "Preview", "HDRI Lighting Preview", ), ], default="DEFAULT", )
[docs] default_layout: EnumProperty( name="Panel Layout", description="Presets for all panel locations", items=[ ( "CLASSIC", "Classic", "Properties Area holds most panels, Tools holds the rest", ), ( "MODERN", "Modern", "Properties holds Main panels, Sidebar holds Operation panels, Tools holds Tools", ), ( "USER", "User", "Define your own locations for panels", ), ], default="MODERN", )
[docs] default_main_location: EnumProperty( name="Main Panels", description="Location for Chains, Operations, Material, Machine, Pack, Slice Panels", items=[ ( "PROPERTIES", "Properties", "Default panel location is the Render tab of the Properties Area", ), ( "SIDEBAR", "Sidebar (N-Panel)", "Common location for addon UI, press N to show/hide", ), ( "TOOLS", "Tools (T-Panel)", "Blender's Tool area, press T to show/hide", ), ], default="PROPERTIES", )
[docs] default_operation_location: EnumProperty( name="Operation Panels", description="Location for Setup, Area, Cutter, Feedrate, Optimisation, Movement, G-code", items=[ ( "PROPERTIES", "Properties", "Default panel location is the Render tab of the Properties Area", ), ( "SIDEBAR", "Sidebar (N-Panel)", "Common location for addon UI, press N to show/hide", ), ( "TOOLS", "Tools (T-Panel)", "Blender's Tool area, press T to show/hide", ), ], default="SIDEBAR", )
[docs] default_tools_location: EnumProperty( name="Tools Panels", description="Location for Curve Tools, Curve Creators, Info", items=[ ( "PROPERTIES", "Properties", "Default panel location is the Render tab of the Properties Area", ), ( "SIDEBAR", "Sidebar (N-Panel)", "Common location for addon UI, press N to show/hide", ), ( "TOOLS", "Tools (T-Panel)", "Blender's Tool area, press T to show/hide", ), ], default="TOOLS", )
[docs] user_main_location: EnumProperty( name="Main Panels", items=[ ( "PROPERTIES", "Properties", "Default panel location is the Render tab of the Properties Area", ), ( "SIDEBAR", "Sidebar (N-Panel)", "Common location for addon UI, press N to show/hide", ), ( "TOOLS", "Tools (T-Panel)", "Blender's Tool area, press T to show/hide", ), ], default="PROPERTIES", )
[docs] user_operation_location: EnumProperty( name="Operation Panels", items=[ ( "PROPERTIES", "Properties", "Default panel location is the Render tab of the Properties Area", ), ( "SIDEBAR", "Sidebar (N-Panel)", "Common location for addon UI, press N to show/hide", ), ( "TOOLS", "Tools (T-Panel)", "Blender's Tool area, press T to show/hide", ), ], default="SIDEBAR", )
[docs] user_tools_location: EnumProperty( name="Tools Panels", items=[ ( "PROPERTIES", "Properties", "Default panel location is the Render tab of the Properties Area", ), ( "SIDEBAR", "Sidebar (N-Panel)", "Common location for addon UI, press N to show/hide", ), ( "TOOLS", "Tools (T-Panel)", "Blender's Tool area, press T to show/hide", ), ], default="TOOLS", )
[docs] default_machine_preset: StringProperty( name="Machine Preset in New File", description="So that machine preset choice persists between files", default="", )
[docs] show_popups: BoolProperty( name="Show Warning Popups", description="Shows a Popup window when there is a warning", default=True, )
[docs] def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.use_property_split = True layout.use_property_decorate = False box = col = box.column(align=True) col.label(text="User Interface", icon="DESKTOP") col.label(text="User Panel Layout") col.prop(context.scene.interface, "main_location", text="Main") col.prop(context.scene.interface, "operation_location", text="Operation") col.prop(context.scene.interface, "tools_location", text="Tools") col = box.column(align=True) col.label(text="Warning Popups", icon="WINDOW") col.prop(self, "show_popups") box = col = box.column(align=True) col.label(text="Library", icon="ASSET_MANAGER") # OpenCAMLib Version ocl_version = opencamlib_version() if ocl_version is None: col.label(text="OpenCAMLib is not Installed") else: col.label(text=f"OpenCAMLib v{ocl_version}") # Shapely Version shape_version = shapely_version() if shape_version is None: col.label(text="Shapely is not Installed") else: col.label(text=f"Shapely v{shape_version}")