Source code for cam.cam_chunk

"""Fabex '' © 2012 Vilem Novak

Classes and Functions to build, store and optimize CAM path chunks.

from math import (
import sys
import time
import random

import numpy as np
import shapely
from shapely import ops as sops
from shapely import geometry as sgeometry
from shapely.geometry import polygon as spolygon
from shapely.geometry import MultiPolygon

    import ocl
except ImportError:
        import opencamlib as ocl
    except ImportError:

import bpy
from mathutils import Vector, Euler

    import bl_ext.blender_org.simplify_curves_plus as curve_simplify
except ImportError:

from .collision import (
from .constants import OCL_SCALE
from .exception import CamException

from .utilities.async_utils import progress_async
from .utilities.chunk_utils import (
from .utilities.image_utils import (
from .utilities.numba_utils import jit
from .utilities.ocl_utils import (
from .utilities.shapely_utils import (
from .utilities.simple_utils import (

# for building points - stores points as lists for easy insert /append behaviour
[docs] class CamPathChunkBuilder: def __init__(self, inpoints=None, startpoints=None, endpoints=None, rotations=None): if inpoints is None: inpoints = []
[docs] self.points = inpoints
[docs] self.startpoints = startpoints or []
[docs] self.endpoints = endpoints or []
[docs] self.rotations = rotations or []
[docs] self.depth = None
[docs] def to_chunk(self): chunk = CamPathChunk(self.points, self.startpoints, self.endpoints, self.rotations) if len(self.points) > 2 and np.array_equal(self.points[0], self.points[-1]): chunk.closed = True if self.depth is not None: chunk.depth = self.depth return chunk
# an actual chunk - stores points as numpy arrays
[docs] class CamPathChunk: def __init__(self, inpoints, startpoints=None, endpoints=None, rotations=None): # name this as _points so nothing external accesses it directly # for 3 axes, this is only storage of points. For N axes, here go the sampled points if len(inpoints) == 0: self.points = np.empty(shape=(0, 3)) else: self.points = np.array(inpoints)
[docs] self.poly = None # get polygon just in time
[docs] self.simppoly = None
if startpoints: # from where the sweep test begins, but also retract point for given path self.startpoints = startpoints else: self.startpoints = [] if endpoints: self.endpoints = endpoints else: self.endpoints = [] # where sweep test ends if rotations: self.rotations = rotations else: self.rotations = [] # rotation of the machine axes
[docs] self.closed = False
[docs] self.children = []
[docs] self.parents = []
# self.unsortedchildren=False
[docs] self.sorted = False # if the chunk has allready been milled in the simulation
[docs] self.length = 0 # this is total length of this chunk.
[docs] self.zstart = 0 # this is stored for ramps mainly,
# because they are added afterwards, but have to use layer info
[docs] self.zend = 0 #
[docs] def update_poly(self): if len(self.points) > 2: self.poly = sgeometry.Polygon(self.points[:, 0:2]) else: self.poly = sgeometry.Polygon()
[docs] def get_point(self, n): return self.points[n].tolist()
[docs] def get_points(self): return self.points.tolist()
[docs] def get_points_np(self): return self.points
[docs] def set_points(self, points): self.points = np.array(points)
[docs] def count(self): return len(self.points)
[docs] def copy(self): nchunk = CamPathChunk( inpoints=self.points.copy(), startpoints=self.startpoints, endpoints=self.endpoints, rotations=self.rotations, ) nchunk.closed = self.closed nchunk.children = self.children nchunk.parents = self.parents nchunk.sorted = self.sorted nchunk.length = self.length return nchunk
[docs] def shift(self, x, y, z): self.points = self.points + np.array([x, y, z]) for i, p in enumerate(self.startpoints): self.startpoints[i] = (p[0] + x, p[1] + y, p[2] + z) for i, p in enumerate(self.endpoints): self.endpoints[i] = (p[0] + x, p[1] + y, p[2] + z)
[docs] def set_z(self, z, if_bigger=False): if if_bigger: self.points[:, 2] = z if z > self.points[:, 2] else self.points[:, 2] else: self.points[:, 2] = z
[docs] def offset_z(self, z): self.points[:, 2] += z
[docs] def flip_x(self, x_centre): self.points[:, 0] = x_centre - self.points[:, 0]
[docs] def is_below_z(self, z): return np.any(self.points[:, 2] < z)
[docs] def clamp_z(self, z): np.clip(self.points[:, 2], z, None, self.points[:, 2])
[docs] def clamp_max_z(self, z): np.clip(self.points[:, 2], None, z, self.points[:, 2])
[docs] def distance(self, pos, o): if self.closed: dist_sq = (pos[0] - self.points[:, 0]) ** 2 + (pos[1] - self.points[:, 1]) ** 2 return sqrt(np.min(dist_sq)) else: if o.movement.type == "MEANDER": d1 = distance_2d(pos, self.points[0]) d2 = distance_2d(pos, self.points[-1]) # if d2<d1: # ch.points.reverse() return min(d1, d2) else: return distance_2d(pos, self.points[0])
[docs] def distance_start(self, pos, o): return distance_2d(pos, self.points[0])
[docs] def x_y_distance_within(self, other, cutoff): if self.poly is None: self.update_poly() if other.poly is None: other.update_poly() if not self.poly.is_empty and not other.poly.is_empty: # print(other.poly, cutoff) return self.poly.dwithin(other.poly, cutoff) else: return _internal_x_y_distance_to(self.points, other.points, cutoff) < cutoff
# if cutoff is set, then the first distance < cutoff is returned
[docs] def x_y_distance_to(self, other, cutoff=0): if self.poly is None: self.update_poly() if other.poly is None: other.update_poly() if not self.poly.is_empty and not other.poly.is_empty: # both polygons have >2 points # simplify them if they aren't already, to speed up distance finding if self.simppoly is None: self.simppoly = self.poly.simplify(0.0003).boundary if other.simppoly is None: other.simppoly = other.poly.simplify(0.0003).boundary return self.simppoly.distance(other.simppoly) else: # this is the old method, preferably should be replaced in most cases except parallel # where this method works probably faster. # print('warning, sorting will be slow due to bad parenting in parentChildDist') return _internal_x_y_distance_to(self.points, other.points, cutoff)
[docs] def adapt_distance(self, pos, o): # reorders chunk so that it starts at the closest point to pos. if self.closed: dist_sq = (pos[0] - self.points[:, 0]) ** 2 + (pos[1] - self.points[:, 1]) ** 2 point_idx = np.argmin(dist_sq) new_points = np.concatenate((self.points[point_idx:], self.points[: point_idx + 1])) self.points = new_points else: if o.movement.type == "MEANDER": d1 = distance_2d(pos, self.points[0]) d2 = distance_2d(pos, self.points[-1]) if d2 < d1: self.points = np.flip(self.points, axis=0)
[docs] def get_next_closest(self, o, pos): # finds closest chunk that can be milled, when inside sorting hierarchy. mind = 100000000000 self.cango = False closest = None testlist = [] testlist.extend(self.children) tested = [] tested.extend(self.children) ch = None while len(testlist) > 0: chtest = testlist.pop() if not chtest.sorted: self.cango = False cango = True for child in chtest.children: if not child.sorted: if child not in tested: testlist.append(child) tested.append(child) cango = False if cango: d = chtest.distance(pos, o) if d < mind: ch = chtest mind = d if ch is not None: # print('found some') return ch # print('returning none') return None
[docs] def get_length(self): # computes length of the chunk - in 3d point_differences = self.points[0:-1, :] - self.points[1:, :] distances = np.linalg.norm(point_differences, axis=1) self.length = np.sum(distances)
[docs] def reverse(self): self.points = np.flip(self.points, axis=0) self.startpoints.reverse() self.endpoints.reverse() self.rotations.reverse()
[docs] def pop(self, index): print("WARNING: Popping from Chunk Is Slow", self, index) self.points = np.concatenate((self.points[0:index], self.points[index + 1 :]), axis=0) if len(self.startpoints) > 0: self.startpoints.pop(index) self.endpoints.pop(index) self.rotations.pop(index)
[docs] def dedupe_points(self): if len(self.points) > 1: keep_points = np.empty(self.points.shape[0], dtype=bool) keep_points[0] = True diff_points = np.sum((self.points[1:] - self.points[:1]) ** 2, axis=1) keep_points[1:] = diff_points > 0.000000001 self.points = self.points[keep_points, :]
[docs] def insert(self, at_index, point, startpoint=None, endpoint=None, rotation=None): self.append( point, startpoint=startpoint, endpoint=endpoint, rotation=rotation, at_index=at_index, )
[docs] def append(self, point, startpoint=None, endpoint=None, rotation=None, at_index=None): if at_index is None: self.points = np.concatenate((self.points, np.array([point]))) if startpoint is not None: self.startpoints.append(startpoint) if endpoint is not None: self.endpoints.append(endpoint) if rotation is not None: self.rotations.append(rotation) else: self.points = np.concatenate( (self.points[0:at_index], np.array([point]), self.points[at_index:]) ) if startpoint is not None: self.startpoints[at_index:at_index] = [startpoint] if endpoint is not None: self.endpoints[at_index:at_index] = [endpoint] if rotation is not None: self.rotations[at_index:at_index] = [rotation]
[docs] def extend(self, points, startpoints=None, endpoints=None, rotations=None, at_index=None): if len(points) == 0: return if at_index is None: self.points = np.concatenate((self.points, np.array(points))) if startpoints is not None: self.startpoints.extend(startpoints) if endpoints is not None: self.endpoints.extend(endpoints) if rotations is not None: self.rotations.extend(rotations) else: self.points = np.concatenate( (self.points[0:at_index], np.array(points), self.points[at_index:]) ) if startpoints is not None: self.startpoints[at_index:at_index] = startpoints if endpoints is not None: self.endpoints[at_index:at_index] = endpoints if rotations is not None: self.rotations[at_index:at_index] = rotations
[docs] def clip_points(self, minx, maxx, miny, maxy): """Remove Any Points Outside This Range""" included_values = (self.points[:, 0] >= minx) and ( (self.points[:, 0] <= maxx) and (self.points[:, 1] >= maxy) and (self.points[:, 1] <= maxy) ) self.points = self.points[included_values]
[docs] def ramp_contour(self, zstart, zend, o): stepdown = zstart - zend chunk_points = [] estlength = (zstart - zend) / tan(o.movement.ramp_in_angle) self.get_length() ramplength = estlength # min(ch.length,estlength) ltraveled = 0 endpoint = None i = 0 # z=zstart znew = 10 rounds = 0 # for counting if ramping makes more layers while endpoint is None and not (znew == zend and i == 0): # # for i,s in enumerate(ch.points): # print(i, znew, zend, len(ch.points)) s = self.points[i] if i > 0: s2 = self.points[i - 1] ltraveled += distance_2d(s, s2) ratio = ltraveled / ramplength elif rounds > 0 and i == 0: s2 = self.points[-1] ltraveled += distance_2d(s, s2) ratio = ltraveled / ramplength else: ratio = 0 znew = zstart - stepdown * ratio if znew <= zend: ratio = (z - zend) / (z - znew) v1 = Vector(chunk_points[-1]) v2 = Vector((s[0], s[1], znew)) v = v1 + ratio * (v2 - v1) chunk_points.append((v.x, v.y, max(s[2], v.z))) if zend == o.min.z and endpoint is None and self.closed: endpoint = i + 1 if endpoint == len(self.points): endpoint = 0 # print(endpoint,len(ch.points)) # else: znew = max(znew, zend, s[2]) chunk_points.append((s[0], s[1], znew)) z = znew if endpoint is not None: break i += 1 if i >= len(self.points): i = 0 rounds += 1 # if not o.use_layers: # endpoint=0 if endpoint is not None: # append final contour on the bottom z level i = endpoint started = False # print('finaliz') if i == len(self.points): i = 0 while i != endpoint or not started: started = True s = self.points[i] chunk_points.append((s[0], s[1], s[2])) # print(i,endpoint) i += 1 if i == len(self.points): i = 0 # ramp out if o.movement.ramp_out and ( not o.use_layers or not o.first_down or (o.first_down and endpoint is not None) ): z = zend # i=endpoint while z < o.max_z: if i == len(self.points): i = 0 s1 = self.points[i] i2 = i - 1 if i2 < 0: i2 = len(self.points) - 1 s2 = self.points[i2] l = distance_2d(s1, s2) znew = z + tan(o.movement.ramp_out_angle) * l if znew > o.max_z: ratio = (z - o.max_z) / (z - znew) v1 = Vector(chunk_points[-1]) v2 = Vector((s1[0], s1[1], znew)) v = v1 + ratio * (v2 - v1) chunk_points.append((v.x, v.y, v.z)) else: chunk_points.append((s1[0], s1[1], znew)) z = znew i += 1 # TODO: convert to numpy properly self.points = np.array(chunk_points)
[docs] def ramp_zig_zag(self, zstart, zend, o): # TODO: convert to numpy properly if zend == None: zend = self.points[0][2] chunk_points = [] # print(zstart,zend) if zend < zstart: # this check here is only for stupid setup, # when the chunks lie actually above operation start z. stepdown = zstart - zend estlength = (zstart - zend) / tan(o.movement.ramp_in_angle) self.get_length() if self.length > 0: # for single point chunks.. ramplength = estlength zigzaglength = ramplength / 2.000 turns = 1 print("Turns %i" % turns) if zigzaglength > self.length: turns = ceil(zigzaglength / self.length) ramplength = turns * self.length * 2.0 zigzaglength = self.length ramppoints = self.points.tolist() else: zigzagtraveled = 0.0 haspoints = False ramppoints = [(self.points[0][0], self.points[0][1], self.points[0][2])] i = 1 while not haspoints: # print(i,zigzaglength,zigzagtraveled) p1 = ramppoints[-1] p2 = self.points[i] d = distance_2d(p1, p2) zigzagtraveled += d if zigzagtraveled >= zigzaglength or i + 1 == len(self.points): ratio = 1 - (zigzagtraveled - zigzaglength) / d if i + 1 == len( self.points ): # this condition is for a rare case of combined layers+bridges+ramps.. ratio = 1 v = p1 + ratio * (p2 - p1) ramppoints.append(v.tolist()) haspoints = True else: ramppoints.append(p2) i += 1 negramppoints = ramppoints.copy() negramppoints.reverse() ramppoints.extend(negramppoints[1:]) traveled = 0.0 chunk_points.append( ( self.points[0][0], self.points[0][1], max(self.points[0][2], zstart), ) ) for r in range(turns): for p in range(0, len(ramppoints)): p1 = chunk_points[-1] p2 = ramppoints[p] d = distance_2d(p1, p2) traveled += d ratio = traveled / ramplength znew = zstart - stepdown * ratio # max value here is so that it doesn't go chunk_points.append((p2[0], p2[1], max(p2[2], znew))) # below surface in the case of 3d paths # chunks = setChunksZ([ch],zend) chunk_points.extend(self.points.tolist()) ###################################### # ramp out - this is the same thing, just on the other side.. if o.movement.ramp_out: zstart = o.max_z zend = self.points[-1][2] # again, sometimes a chunk could theoretically end above the starting level. if zend < zstart: stepdown = zstart - zend estlength = (zstart - zend) / tan(o.movement.ramp_out_angle) self.get_length() if self.length > 0: ramplength = estlength zigzaglength = ramplength / 2.000 turns = 1 print("Turns %i" % turns) if zigzaglength > self.length: turns = ceil(zigzaglength / self.length) ramplength = turns * self.length * 2.0 zigzaglength = self.length ramppoints = self.points.tolist() # revert points here, we go the other way. ramppoints.reverse() else: zigzagtraveled = 0.0 haspoints = False ramppoints = [ ( self.points[-1][0], self.points[-1][1], self.points[-1][2], ) ] i = len(self.points) - 2 while not haspoints: # print(i,zigzaglength,zigzagtraveled) p1 = ramppoints[-1] p2 = self.points[i] d = distance_2d(p1, p2) zigzagtraveled += d if zigzagtraveled >= zigzaglength or i + 1 == len(self.points): ratio = 1 - (zigzagtraveled - zigzaglength) / d if i + 1 == len( self.points ): # this condition is for a rare case of # combined layers+bridges+ramps... ratio = 1 # print((ratio,zigzaglength)) v = p1 + ratio * (p2 - p1) ramppoints.append(v.tolist()) haspoints = True # elif : else: ramppoints.append(p2) i -= 1 negramppoints = ramppoints.copy() negramppoints.reverse() ramppoints.extend(negramppoints[1:]) traveled = 0.0 for r in range(turns): for p in range(0, len(ramppoints)): p1 = chunk_points[-1] p2 = ramppoints[p] d = distance_2d(p1, p2) traveled += d ratio = 1 - (traveled / ramplength) znew = zstart - stepdown * ratio chunk_points.append((p2[0], p2[1], max(p2[2], znew))) # max value here is so that it doesn't go below surface in the case of 3d paths self.points = np.array(chunk_points)
# modify existing path start point
[docs] def change_path_start(self, o): if o.profile_start > 0: newstart = o.profile_start chunkamt = len(self.points) newstart = newstart % chunkamt self.points = np.concatenate((self.points[newstart:], self.points[:newstart]))
[docs] def break_path_for_leadin_leadout(self, o): iradius = o.lead_in oradius = o.lead_out if iradius + oradius > 0: chunkamt = len(self.points) for i in range(chunkamt - 1): apoint = self.points[i] bpoint = self.points[i + 1] bmax = bpoint[0] - apoint[0] bmay = bpoint[1] - apoint[1] segmentLength = hypot(bmax, bmay) # find segment length if segmentLength > 2 * max( iradius, oradius ): # Be certain there is enough room for the leadin and leadiout # add point on the line here # average of the two x points to find center newpointx = (bpoint[0] + apoint[0]) / 2 # average of the two y points to find center newpointy = (bpoint[1] + apoint[1]) / 2 self.points = np.concatenate( ( self.points[: i + 1], np.array([[newpointx, newpointy, apoint[2]]]), self.points[i + 1 :], ) )
[docs] def lead_contour(self, o): perimeterDirection = 1 # 1 is clockwise, 0 is CCW if o.movement.spindle_rotation == "CW": if o.movement.type == "CONVENTIONAL": perimeterDirection = 0 if self.parents: # if it is inside another parent perimeterDirection ^= 1 # toggle with a bitwise XOR print("Has Parent") if perimeterDirection == 1: print("Path Direction is Clockwise") else: print("Path Direction is Counter Clockwise") iradius = o.lead_in oradius = o.lead_out start = self.points[0] nextp = self.points[1] rpoint = rotate_point_by_point(start, nextp, pi / 2) dx = rpoint[0] - start[0] dy = rpoint[1] - start[1] la = hypot(dx, dy) pvx = (iradius * dx) / la + start[0] # arc center(x) pvy = (iradius * dy) / la + start[1] # arc center(y) arc_c = [pvx, pvy, start[2]] # TODO: this could easily be numpy chunk_points = [] # create a new cutting path # add lead in arc in the begining if round(o.lead_in, 6) > 0.0: for i in range(15): iangle = -i * (pi / 2) / 15 arc_p = rotate_point_by_point(arc_c, start, iangle) chunk_points.insert(0, arc_p) # glue rest of the path to the arc chunk_points.extend(self.points.tolist()) # for i in range(len(self.points)): # chunk_points.append(self.points[i]) # add lead out arc to the end if round(o.lead_in, 6) > 0.0: for i in range(15): iangle = i * (pi / 2) / 15 arc_p = rotate_point_by_point(arc_c, start, iangle) chunk_points.append(arc_p) self.points = np.array(chunk_points)
[docs] def chunks_coherency(chunks): # checks chunks for their stability, for pencil path. # it checks if the vectors direction doesn't jump too much too quickly, # if this happens it splits the chunk on such places, # too much jumps = deletion of the chunk. this is because otherwise the router has to slow down too often, # but also means that some parts detected by cavity algorithm won't be milled nchunks = [] for chunk in chunks: if len(chunk.points) > 2: nchunk = CamPathChunkBuilder() # doesn't check for 1 point chunks here, they shouldn't get here at all. lastvec = Vector(chunk.points[1]) - Vector(chunk.points[0]) for i in range(0, len(chunk.points) - 1): nchunk.points.append(chunk.points[i]) vec = Vector(chunk.points[i + 1]) - Vector(chunk.points[i]) angle = vec.angle(lastvec, vec) # print(angle,i) if angle > 1.07: # 60 degrees is maximum toleration for pencil paths. if len(nchunk.points) > 4: # this is a testing threshold nchunks.append(nchunk.to_chunk()) nchunk = CamPathChunkBuilder() lastvec = vec if len(nchunk.points) > 4: # this is a testing threshold nchunk.points = np.array(nchunk.points) nchunks.append(nchunk) return nchunks
[docs] def limit_chunks(chunks, o, force=False): # TODO: this should at least add point on area border... # but shouldn't be needed at all at the first place... if o.use_limit_curve or force: nchunks = [] for ch in chunks: prevsampled = True nch = CamPathChunkBuilder() nch1 = None closed = True for s in ch.points: sampled = o.ambient.contains(sgeometry.Point(s[0], s[1])) if not sampled and len(nch.points) > 0: nch.closed = False closed = False nchunks.append(nch.to_chunk()) if nch1 is None: nch1 = nchunks[-1] nch = CamPathChunkBuilder() elif sampled: nch.points.append(s) prevsampled = sampled if ( len(nch.points) > 2 and closed and ch.closed and np.array_equal(ch.points[0], ch.points[-1]) ): nch.closed = True elif ( ch.closed and nch1 is not None and len(nch.points) > 1 and np.array_equal(nch.points[-1], nch1.points[0]) ): # here adds beginning of closed chunk to the end, if the chunks were split during limiting nch.points.extend(nch1.points.tolist()) nchunks.remove(nch1) print("Joining") if len(nch.points) > 0: nchunks.append(nch.to_chunk()) return nchunks else: return chunks
[docs] def mesh_from_curve_to_chunk(object): mesh = # print('detecting contours from curve') chunks = [] chunk = CamPathChunkBuilder() ek = mesh.edge_keys d = {} for e in ek: d[e] = 1 # dk = d.keys() x = object.location.x y = object.location.y z = object.location.z lastvi = 0 vtotal = len(mesh.vertices) perc = 0 progress(f"Processing Curve - START - Vertices: {vtotal}") for vi in range(0, len(mesh.vertices) - 1): co = (mesh.vertices[vi].co + object.location).to_tuple() if not dk.isdisjoint([(vi, vi + 1)]) and d[(vi, vi + 1)] == 1: chunk.points.append(co) else: chunk.points.append(co) if len(chunk.points) > 2 and ( not (dk.isdisjoint([(vi, lastvi)])) or not (dk.isdisjoint([(lastvi, vi)])) ): # this was looping chunks of length of only 2 points... # print('itis') chunk.closed = True chunk.points.append((mesh.vertices[lastvi].co + object.location).to_tuple()) # add first point to end#originally the z was mesh.vertices[lastvi].co.z+z lastvi = vi + 1 chunk = chunk.to_chunk() chunk.dedupe_points() if chunk.count() >= 1: # dump single point chunks chunks.append(chunk) chunk = CamPathChunkBuilder() progress("Processing Curve - FINISHED") vi = len(mesh.vertices) - 1 chunk.points.append( ( mesh.vertices[vi].co.x + x, mesh.vertices[vi].co.y + y, mesh.vertices[vi].co.z + z, ) ) if not (dk.isdisjoint([(vi, lastvi)])) or not (dk.isdisjoint([(lastvi, vi)])): chunk.closed = True chunk.points.append( ( mesh.vertices[lastvi].co.x + x, mesh.vertices[lastvi].co.y + y, mesh.vertices[lastvi].co.z + z, ) ) chunk = chunk.to_chunk() chunk.dedupe_points() if chunk.count() >= 1: # dump single point chunks chunks.append(chunk) return chunks
[docs] def curve_to_chunks(o, use_modifiers=False): co = mesh_from_curve(o, use_modifiers) chunks = mesh_from_curve_to_chunk(co) co = bpy.context.active_object bpy.ops.object.select_all(action="DESELECT")[].select_set(True) bpy.ops.object.delete() return chunks
[docs] def shapely_to_chunks(p, zlevel): # chunk_builders = [] # p=sortContours(p) seq = shapely_to_coordinates(p) i = 0 for s in seq: # progress(p[i]) if len(s) > 1: chunk = CamPathChunkBuilder([]) for v in s: if p.has_z: chunk.points.append((v[0], v[1], v[2])) else: chunk.points.append((v[0], v[1], zlevel)) chunk_builders.append(chunk) i += 1 chunk_builders.reverse() # this is for smaller shapes first. return [c.to_chunk() for c in chunk_builders]
[docs] def curve_to_shapely(cob, use_modifiers=False): """Convert a curve object to Shapely polygons. This function takes a curve object and converts it into a list of Shapely polygons. It first breaks the curve into chunks and then transforms those chunks into Shapely-compatible polygon representations. The `use_modifiers` parameter allows for additional processing of the curve before conversion, depending on the specific requirements of the application. Args: cob: The curve object to be converted. use_modifiers (bool): A flag indicating whether to apply modifiers during the conversion process. Defaults to False. Returns: list: A list of Shapely polygons created from the curve object. """ chunks = curve_to_chunks(cob, use_modifiers) polys = chunks_to_shapely(chunks) return polys
[docs] async def sample_chunks_n_axis(o, pathSamples, layers): """Sample chunks along a specified axis based on provided paths and layers. This function processes a set of path samples and organizes them into chunks according to specified layers. It prepares the collision world if necessary, updates the cutter's rotation based on the path samples, and handles the sampling of points along the paths. The function also manages the relationships between the sampled points and their respective layers, ensuring that the correct points are added to each chunk. The resulting chunks can be used for further processing in a 3D environment. Args: o (object): An object containing properties such as min/max coordinates, cutter shape, and other relevant parameters. pathSamples (list): A list of path samples, each containing start points, end points, and rotations. layers (list): A list of layer definitions that specify the boundaries for sampling. Returns: list: A list of sampled chunks organized by layers. """ # minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz = o.min.x, o.min.y, o.min.z, o.max.x, o.max.y, o.max.z # prepare collision world if o.update_bullet_collision_tag: prepare_bullet_collision(o) # print('getting ambient') get_ambient(o) o.update_bullet_collision_tag = False # print (o.ambient) cutter = o.cutter_shape cutterdepth = cutter.dimensions.z / 2 t = time.time() print("Sampling Paths") totlen = 0 # total length of all chunks, to estimate sampling time. for chs in pathSamples: totlen += len(chs.startpoints) layerchunks = [] minz = o.min_z layeractivechunks = [] lastrunchunks = [] for l in layers: layerchunks.append([]) layeractivechunks.append(CamPathChunkBuilder([])) lastrunchunks.append([]) n = 0 last_percent = -1 lastz = minz for patternchunk in pathSamples: # print (patternchunk.endpoints) thisrunchunks = [] for l in layers: thisrunchunks.append([]) lastlayer = None currentlayer = None lastsample = None # threads_count=4 lastrotation = (0, 0, 0) # for t in range(0,threads): # print(len(patternchunk.startpoints),len( patternchunk.endpoints)) spl = len(patternchunk.startpoints) # ,startp in enumerate(patternchunk.startpoints): for si in range(0, spl): # #TODO: seems we are writing into the source chunk , # and that is why we need to write endpoints everywhere too? percent = int(100 * n / totlen) if percent != last_percent: await progress_async("Sampling Paths", percent) last_percent = percent n += 1 sampled = False # print(si) # get the vector to sample startp = Vector(patternchunk.startpoints[si]) endp = Vector(patternchunk.endpoints[si]) rotation = patternchunk.rotations[si] sweepvect = endp - startp sweepvect.normalize() # sampling if rotation != lastrotation: cutter.rotation_euler = rotation # cutter.rotation_euler.x=-cutter.rotation_euler.x # print(rotation) if o.cutter_type == "VCARVE": # Bullet cone is always pointing Up Z in the object cutter.rotation_euler.x += pi cutter.update_tag() # this has to be :( it resets the rigidbody world. bpy.context.scene.frame_set(1) # No other way to update it probably now :( # actually 2 frame jumps are needed. bpy.context.scene.frame_set(2) bpy.context.scene.frame_set(0) newsample = get_sample_bullet_n_axis(cutter, startp, endp, rotation, cutterdepth) # print('totok',startp,endp,rotation,newsample) ################################ # handling samples ############################################ # this is weird, but will leave it this way now.. just prototyping here. if newsample is not None: sampled = True else: # TODO: why was this here? newsample = startp sampled = True # print(newsample) # elif o.ambient_behaviour=='ALL' and not o.inverse:#handle ambient here # newsample=(x,y,minz) if sampled: for i, l in enumerate(layers): terminatechunk = False ch = layeractivechunks[i] # print(i,l) # print(l[1],l[0]) v = startp - newsample distance = -v.length if l[1] <= distance <= l[0]: lastlayer = currentlayer currentlayer = i if ( lastsample is not None and lastlayer is not None and currentlayer is not None and lastlayer != currentlayer ): # sampling for sorted paths in layers- # to go to the border of the sampled layer at least... # there was a bug here, but should be fixed. if currentlayer < lastlayer: growing = True r = range(currentlayer, lastlayer) spliti = 1 else: r = range(lastlayer, currentlayer) growing = False spliti = 0 # print(r) li = 0 for ls in r: splitdistance = layers[ls][1] ratio = (splitdistance - lastdistance) / (distance - lastdistance) # print(ratio) betweensample = lastsample + (newsample - lastsample) * ratio # this probably doesn't work at all!!!! check this algoritm> betweenrotation = tuple_add( lastrotation, tuple_multiply(tuple_subtract(rotation, lastrotation), ratio), ) # startpoint = retract point, it has to be always available... betweenstartpoint = ( laststartpoint + (startp - laststartpoint) * ratio ) # here, we need to have also possible endpoints always.. betweenendpoint = lastendpoint + (endp - lastendpoint) * ratio if growing: if li > 0: layeractivechunks[ls].points.insert(-1, betweensample) layeractivechunks[ls].rotations.insert(-1, betweenrotation) layeractivechunks[ls].startpoints.insert( -1, betweenstartpoint ) layeractivechunks[ls].endpoints.insert(-1, betweenendpoint) else: layeractivechunks[ls].points.append(betweensample) layeractivechunks[ls].rotations.append(betweenrotation) layeractivechunks[ls].startpoints.append(betweenstartpoint) layeractivechunks[ls].endpoints.append(betweenendpoint) layeractivechunks[ls + 1].points.append(betweensample) layeractivechunks[ls + 1].rotations.append(betweenrotation) layeractivechunks[ls + 1].startpoints.append(betweenstartpoint) layeractivechunks[ls + 1].endpoints.append(betweenendpoint) else: layeractivechunks[ls].points.insert(-1, betweensample) layeractivechunks[ls].rotations.insert(-1, betweenrotation) layeractivechunks[ls].startpoints.insert(-1, betweenstartpoint) layeractivechunks[ls].endpoints.insert(-1, betweenendpoint) layeractivechunks[ls + 1].points.append(betweensample) layeractivechunks[ls + 1].rotations.append(betweenrotation) layeractivechunks[ls + 1].startpoints.append(betweenstartpoint) layeractivechunks[ls + 1].endpoints.append(betweenendpoint) # layeractivechunks[ls+1].points.insert(0,betweensample) li += 1 # this chunk is terminated, and allready in layerchunks / # ch.points.append(betweensample)# ch.points.append(newsample) ch.rotations.append(rotation) ch.startpoints.append(startp) ch.endpoints.append(endp) lastdistance = distance elif l[1] > distance: v = sweepvect * l[1] p = startp - v ch.points.append(p) ch.rotations.append(rotation) ch.startpoints.append(startp) ch.endpoints.append(endp) elif l[0] < distance: # retract to original track ch.points.append(startp) ch.rotations.append(rotation) ch.startpoints.append(startp) ch.endpoints.append(endp) lastsample = newsample lastrotation = rotation laststartpoint = startp lastendpoint = endp # convert everything to actual chunks # rather than chunkBuilders for i, l in enumerate(layers): layeractivechunks[i] = ( layeractivechunks[i].to_chunk() if layeractivechunks[i] is not None else None ) for i, l in enumerate(layers): ch = layeractivechunks[i] if ch.count() > 0: layerchunks[i].append(ch) thisrunchunks[i].append(ch) layeractivechunks[i] = CamPathChunkBuilder([]) if o.strategy == "PARALLEL" or o.strategy == "CROSS" or o.strategy == "OUTLINEFILL": parent_child_distance(thisrunchunks[i], lastrunchunks[i], o) lastrunchunks = thisrunchunks # print(len(layerchunks[i])) progress("Checking Relations Between Paths") """#this algorithm should also work for n-axis, but now is "sleeping" if (o.strategy=='PARALLEL' or o.strategy=='CROSS'): if len(layers)>1:# sorting help so that upper layers go first always for i in range(0,len(layers)-1): #print('layerstuff parenting') parentChild(layerchunks[i+1],layerchunks[i],o) """ chunks = [] for i, l in enumerate(layers): chunks.extend(layerchunks[i]) return chunks
[docs] def sample_path_low(o, ch1, ch2, dosample): """Generate a sample path between two channels. This function computes a series of points that form a path between two given channels. It calculates the direction vector from the end of the first channel to the start of the second channel and generates points along this vector up to a specified distance. If sampling is enabled, it modifies the z-coordinate of the generated points based on the cutter shape or image sampling, ensuring that the path accounts for any obstacles or features in the environment. Args: o: An object containing optimization parameters and properties related to the path generation. ch1: The first channel object, which provides a point for the starting location of the path. ch2: The second channel object, which provides a point for the ending location of the path. dosample (bool): A flag indicating whether to perform sampling along the generated path. Returns: CamPathChunk: An object representing the generated path points. """ v1 = Vector(ch1.get_point(-1)) v2 = Vector(ch2.get_point(0)) v = v2 - v1 d = v.length v.normalize() vref = Vector((0, 0, 0)) bpath_points = [] i = 0 while vref.length < d: i += 1 vref = v * o.distance_along_paths * i if vref.length < d: p = v1 + vref bpath_points.append([p.x, p.y, p.z]) # print('between path') # print(len(bpath)) pixsize = o.optimisation.pixsize if dosample: if not (o.optimisation.use_opencamlib and o.optimisation.use_exact): if o.optimisation.use_exact: if o.update_bullet_collision_tag: prepare_bullet_collision(o) o.update_bullet_collision_tag = False cutterdepth = o.cutter_shape.dimensions.z / 2 for p in bpath_points: z = get_sample_bullet(o.cutter_shape, p[0], p[1], cutterdepth, 1, o.min_z) if z > p[2]: p[2] = z else: for p in bpath_points: xs = (p[0] - o.min.x) / pixsize + o.borderwidth + pixsize / 2 # -m ys = (p[1] - o.min.y) / pixsize + o.borderwidth + pixsize / 2 # -m z = get_sample_image((xs, ys), o.offset_image, o.min_z) + if z > p[2]: p[2] = z return CamPathChunk(bpath_points)
[docs] def polygon_boolean(context, boolean_type): """Perform a boolean operation on selected polygons. This function takes the active object and applies a specified boolean operation (UNION, DIFFERENCE, or INTERSECT) with respect to other selected objects in the Blender context. It first converts the polygons of the active object and the selected objects into a Shapely MultiPolygon. Depending on the boolean type specified, it performs the corresponding boolean operation and then converts the result back into a Blender curve. Args: context (bpy.context): The Blender context containing scene and object data. boolean_type (str): The type of boolean operation to perform. Must be one of 'UNION', 'DIFFERENCE', or 'INTERSECT'. Returns: dict: A dictionary indicating the operation result, typically {'FINISHED'}. """ bpy.context.scene.cursor.location = (0, 0, 0) ob = bpy.context.active_object obs = [] for ob1 in bpy.context.selected_objects: if ob1 != ob: obs.append(ob1) plist = curve_to_shapely(ob) p1 = MultiPolygon(plist) polys = [] for o in obs: plist = curve_to_shapely(o) p2 = MultiPolygon(plist) polys.append(p2) # print(polys) if boolean_type == "UNION": for p2 in polys: p1 = p1.union(p2) elif boolean_type == "DIFFERENCE": for p2 in polys: p1 = p1.difference(p2) elif boolean_type == "INTERSECT": for p2 in polys: p1 = p1.intersection(p2) shapely_to_curve("boolean", p1, ob.location.z) return {"FINISHED"}
[docs] def polygon_convex_hull(context): """Generate the convex hull of a polygon from the given context. This function duplicates the current object, joins it, and converts it into a 3D mesh. It then extracts the X and Y coordinates of the vertices to create a MultiPoint data structure using Shapely. Finally, it computes the convex hull of these points and converts the result back into a curve named 'ConvexHull'. Temporary objects created during this process are deleted to maintain a clean workspace. Args: context: The context in which the operation is performed, typically related to Blender's current state. Returns: dict: A dictionary indicating the operation's completion status. """ coords = [] bpy.ops.object.duplicate() bpy.ops.object.join() = "3D" # force curve to be a 3D curve bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(location=True, rotation=True, scale=True) = "_tmp" bpy.ops.object.convert(target="MESH") obj = for v in # extract X,Y coordinates from the vertices data c = (, coords.append(c) select_multiple("_tmp") # delete temporary mesh select_multiple("ConvexHull") # delete old hull # convert coordinates to shapely MultiPoint datastructure points = sgeometry.MultiPoint(coords) hull = points.convex_hull shapely_to_curve("ConvexHull", hull, 0.0) return {"FINISHED"}
# separate function in blender, so you can offset any curve. # FIXME: same algorithms as the cutout strategy, because that is hierarchy-respecting.
[docs] def silhouette_offset(context, offset, style=1, mitrelimit=1.0): """Offset the silhouette of a curve or font object in Blender. This function takes an active curve or font object in Blender and creates an offset silhouette based on the specified parameters. It first retrieves the silhouette of the object and then applies a buffer operation to create the offset shape. The resulting shape is then converted back into a curve object in the Blender scene. Args: context (bpy.context): The current Blender context. offset (float): The distance to offset the silhouette. style (int?): The join style for the offset. Defaults to 1. mitrelimit (float?): The mitre limit for the offset. Defaults to 1.0. Returns: dict: A dictionary indicating the operation is finished. """ bpy.context.scene.cursor.location = (0, 0, 0) ob = bpy.context.active_object if ob.type == "CURVE" or ob.type == "FONT": silhs = curve_to_shapely(ob) else: silhs = get_object_silhouette("OBJECTS", [ob]) mp = silhs.buffer(offset, cap_style=1, join_style=style, resolution=16, mitre_limit=mitrelimit) shapely_to_curve( + "_offset_" + str(round(offset, 5)), mp, ob.location.z) bpy.ops.object.curve_remove_doubles() return {"FINISHED"}
[docs] def get_object_silhouette(stype, objects=None, use_modifiers=False): """Get the silhouette of objects based on the specified type. This function computes the silhouette of a given set of objects in Blender based on the specified type. It can handle both curves and mesh objects, converting curves to polygon format and calculating the silhouette for mesh objects. The function also considers the use of modifiers if specified. The silhouette is generated by processing the geometry of the objects and returning a Shapely representation of the silhouette. Args: stype (str): The type of silhouette to generate ('CURVES' or 'OBJECTS'). objects (list?): A list of Blender objects to process. Defaults to None. use_modifiers (bool?): Whether to apply modifiers to the objects. Defaults to False. Returns: shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon: The computed silhouette as a Shapely MultiPolygon. """ print("Silhouette Type:", stype) if stype == "CURVES": # curve conversion to polygon format allchunks = [] for ob in objects: chunks = curve_to_chunks(ob) allchunks.extend(chunks) silhouette = chunks_to_shapely(allchunks) elif stype == "OBJECTS": totfaces = 0 for ob in objects: totfaces += len( if ( totfaces < 20000000 ): # boolean polygons method originaly was 20 000 poly limit, now limitless, t = time.time() print("Shapely Getting Silhouette") polys = [] for ob in objects: print("Object:", if use_modifiers: ob = ob.evaluated_get(bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()) m = ob.to_mesh() else: m = mw = ob.matrix_world mwi = mw.inverted() r = ob.rotation_euler m.calc_loop_triangles() id = 0 e = 0.000001 scaleup = 100 for tri in m.loop_triangles: n = tri.normal.copy() n.rotate(r) if tri.area > 0 and n.z != 0: # n.z>0.0 and f.area>0.0 : s = [] c = mw @ c = c.xy for vert_index in tri.vertices: v = mw @ m.vertices[vert_index].co s.append((v.x, v.y)) if len(s) > 2: # print(s) p = spolygon.Polygon(s) # print(dir(p)) if p.is_valid: # polys.append(p) polys.append(p.buffer(e, resolution=0)) id += 1 ob.select_set(False) if totfaces < 20000: p = sops.unary_union(polys) else: print("Computing in Parts") bigshapes = [] i = 1 part = 20000 while i * part < totfaces: print(i) ar = polys[(i - 1) * part : i * part] bigshapes.append(sops.unary_union(ar)) i += 1 if (i - 1) * part < totfaces: last_ar = polys[(i - 1) * part :] bigshapes.append(sops.unary_union(last_ar)) print("Joining") p = sops.unary_union(bigshapes) print("Time:", time.time() - t) t = time.time() silhouette = shapely_to_multipolygon(p) # [polygon_utils_cam.Shapely2Polygon(p)] return silhouette
[docs] def get_operation_silhouette(operation): """Gets the silhouette for the given operation. This function determines the silhouette of an operation using image thresholding techniques. It handles different geometry sources, such as objects or images, and applies specific methods based on the type of geometry. If the geometry source is 'OBJECT' or 'COLLECTION', it checks whether to process curves or not. The function also considers the number of faces in mesh objects to decide on the appropriate method for silhouette extraction. Args: operation (Operation): An object containing the necessary data Returns: Silhouette: The computed silhouette for the operation. """ if operation.update_silhouette_tag: image = None objects = None if operation.geometry_source == "OBJECT" or operation.geometry_source == "COLLECTION": if not operation.onlycurves: stype = "OBJECTS" else: stype = "CURVES" else: stype = "IMAGE" totfaces = 0 if stype == "OBJECTS": for ob in operation.objects: if ob.type == "MESH": totfaces += len( if (stype == "OBJECTS" and totfaces > 200000) or stype == "IMAGE": print("Image Method") samples = render_sample_image(operation) if stype == "OBJECTS": i = samples > operation.min_z - 0.0000001 # np.min(operation.zbuffer_image)-0.0000001# # #the small number solves issue with totally flat meshes, which people tend to mill instead of # proper pockets. then the minimum was also maximum, and it didn't detect contour. else: # this fixes another numeric imprecision. i = samples > np.min(operation.zbuffer_image) chunks = image_to_chunks(operation, i) operation.silhouette = chunks_to_shapely(chunks) # print(operation.silhouette) # this conversion happens because we need the silh to be oriented, for milling directions. else: print("Object Method for Retrieving Silhouette") operation.silhouette = get_object_silhouette( stype, objects=operation.objects, use_modifiers=operation.use_modifiers ) operation.update_silhouette_tag = False return operation.silhouette
[docs] def get_object_outline(radius, o, Offset): """Get the outline of a geometric object based on specified parameters. This function generates an outline for a given geometric object by applying a buffer operation to its polygons. The buffer radius can be adjusted based on the `radius` parameter, and the operation can be offset based on the `Offset` flag. The function also considers whether the polygons should be merged or not, depending on the properties of the object `o`. Args: radius (float): The radius for the buffer operation. o (object): An object containing properties that influence the outline generation. Offset (bool): A flag indicating whether to apply a positive or negative offset. Returns: MultiPolygon: The resulting outline of the geometric object as a MultiPolygon. """ # FIXME: make this one operation independent # circle detail, optimize, optimize thresold. polygons = get_operation_silhouette(o) i = 0 # print('offseting polygons') if Offset: offset = 1 else: offset = -1 outlines = [] i = 0 if o.straight: join = 2 else: join = 1 if isinstance(polygons, list): polygon_list = polygons else: polygon_list = polygons.geoms for p1 in polygon_list: # sort by size before this??? # print(p1.type, len(polygons)) i += 1 if radius > 0: p1 = p1.buffer( radius * offset, resolution=o.optimisation.circle_detail, join_style=join, mitre_limit=2, ) outlines.append(p1) # print(outlines) if o.dont_merge: outline = sgeometry.MultiPolygon(outlines) else: outline = shapely.ops.unary_union(outlines) return outline
[docs] def get_ambient(o): """Calculate and update the ambient geometry based on the provided object. This function computes the ambient shape for a given object based on its properties, such as cutter restrictions and ambient behavior. It determines the appropriate radius and creates the ambient geometry either from the silhouette or as a polygon defined by the object's minimum and maximum coordinates. If a limit curve is specified, it will also intersect the ambient shape with the limit polygon. Args: o (object): An object containing properties that define the ambient behavior, cutter restrictions, and limit curve. Returns: None: The function updates the ambient property of the object in place. """ if o.update_ambient_tag: if o.ambient_cutter_restrict: # cutter stays in ambient & limit curve m = o.cutter_diameter / 2 else: m = 0 if o.ambient_behaviour == "AROUND": r = o.ambient_radius - m # in this method we need ambient from silhouette o.ambient = get_object_outline(r, o, True) else: o.ambient = spolygon.Polygon( ( (o.min.x + m, o.min.y + m), (o.min.x + m, o.max.y - m), (o.max.x - m, o.max.y - m), (o.max.x - m, o.min.y + m), ) ) if o.use_limit_curve: if o.limit_curve != "": limit_curve =[o.limit_curve] polys = curve_to_shapely(limit_curve) o.limit_poly = shapely.ops.unary_union(polys) if o.ambient_cutter_restrict: o.limit_poly = o.limit_poly.buffer( o.cutter_diameter / 2, resolution=o.optimisation.circle_detail ) o.ambient = o.ambient.intersection(o.limit_poly) o.update_ambient_tag = False
# samples in both modes now - image and bullet collision too.
[docs] async def sample_chunks(o, pathSamples, layers): """Sample chunks of paths based on the provided parameters. This function processes the given path samples and layers to generate chunks of points that represent the sampled paths. It takes into account various optimization settings and strategies to determine how the points are sampled and organized into layers. The function handles different scenarios based on the object's properties and the specified layers, ensuring that the resulting chunks are correctly structured for further processing. Args: o (object): An object containing various properties and settings related to the sampling process. pathSamples (list): A list of path samples to be processed. layers (list): A list of layers defining the z-coordinate ranges for sampling. Returns: list: A list of sampled chunks, each containing points that represent the sampled paths. """ # minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz = o.min.x, o.min.y, o.min.z, o.max.x, o.max.y, o.max.z get_ambient(o) if o.optimisation.use_exact: # prepare collision world if o.optimisation.use_opencamlib: await oclSample(o, pathSamples) cutterdepth = 0 else: if o.update_bullet_collision_tag: prepare_bullet_collision(o) o.update_bullet_collision_tag = False # print (o.ambient) cutter = o.cutter_shape cutterdepth = cutter.dimensions.z / 2 else: # or prepare offset image, but not in some strategies. if o.strategy != "WATERLINE": await prepare_area(o) pixsize = o.optimisation.pixsize coordoffset = o.borderwidth + pixsize / 2 # -m res = ceil(o.cutter_diameter / o.optimisation.pixsize) m = res / 2 t = time.time() # print('sampling paths') totlen = 0 # total length of all chunks, to estimate sampling time. for ch in pathSamples: totlen += ch.count() layerchunks = [] minz = o.min_z - 0.000001 # correction for image method problems layeractivechunks = [] lastrunchunks = [] for l in layers: layerchunks.append([]) layeractivechunks.append(CamPathChunkBuilder([])) lastrunchunks.append([]) zinvert = 0 if o.inverse: ob =[o.object_name] zinvert = ob.location.z + maxz # ob.bound_box[6][2] print(f"Total Sample Points {totlen}") n = 0 last_percent = -1 # timing for optimisation samplingtime = timing_init() sortingtime = timing_init() totaltime = timing_init() timing_start(totaltime) lastz = minz for patternchunk in pathSamples: thisrunchunks = [] for l in layers: thisrunchunks.append([]) lastlayer = None currentlayer = None lastsample = None # threads_count=4 # for t in range(0,threads): our_points = patternchunk.get_points_np() ambient_contains = shapely.contains(o.ambient, shapely.points(our_points[:, 0:2])) for s, in_ambient in zip(our_points, ambient_contains): if o.strategy != "WATERLINE" and int(100 * n / totlen) != last_percent: last_percent = int(100 * n / totlen) await progress_async("Sampling Paths", last_percent) n += 1 x = s[0] y = s[1] if not in_ambient: newsample = (x, y, 1) else: if o.optimisation.use_opencamlib and o.optimisation.use_exact: z = s[2] if minz > z: z = minz newsample = (x, y, z) # ampling elif o.optimisation.use_exact and not o.optimisation.use_opencamlib: if lastsample is not None: # this is an optimalization, # search only for near depths to the last sample. Saves about 30% of sampling time. z = get_sample_bullet( cutter, x, y, cutterdepth, 1, lastsample[2] - o.distance_along_paths ) # first try to the last sample if z < minz - 1: z = get_sample_bullet( cutter, x, y, cutterdepth, lastsample[2] - o.distance_along_paths, minz, ) else: z = get_sample_bullet(cutter, x, y, cutterdepth, 1, minz) # print(z) else: timing_start(samplingtime) xs = (x - minx) / pixsize + coordoffset ys = (y - miny) / pixsize + coordoffset timing_add(samplingtime) z = get_sample_image((xs, ys), o.offset_image, minz) + ################################ # handling samples ############################################ if minz > z: z = minz newsample = (x, y, z) for i, l in enumerate(layers): terminatechunk = False ch = layeractivechunks[i] if l[1] <= newsample[2] <= l[0]: lastlayer = None # rather the last sample here ? has to be set to None, # since sometimes lastsample vs lastlayer didn't fit and did ugly ugly stuff.... if lastsample is not None: for i2, l2 in enumerate(layers): if l2[1] <= lastsample[2] <= l2[0]: lastlayer = i2 currentlayer = i # and lastsample[2]!=newsample[2]: if lastlayer is not None and lastlayer != currentlayer: # #sampling for sorted paths in layers- to go to the border of the sampled layer at least... # there was a bug here, but should be fixed. if currentlayer < lastlayer: growing = True r = range(currentlayer, lastlayer) spliti = 1 else: r = range(lastlayer, currentlayer) growing = False spliti = 0 # print(r) li = 0 for ls in r: splitz = layers[ls][1] # print(ls) v1 = lastsample v2 = newsample if o.movement.protect_vertical: v1, v2 = is_vertical_limit( v1, v2, o.movement.protect_vertical_limit ) v1 = Vector(v1) v2 = Vector(v2) # print(v1,v2) ratio = (splitz - v1.z) / (v2.z - v1.z) # print(ratio) betweensample = v1 + (v2 - v1) * ratio # ch.points.append(betweensample.to_tuple()) if growing: if li > 0: layeractivechunks[ls].points.insert( -1, betweensample.to_tuple() ) else: layeractivechunks[ls].points.append(betweensample.to_tuple()) layeractivechunks[ls + 1].points.append(betweensample.to_tuple()) else: # print(v1,v2,betweensample,lastlayer,currentlayer) layeractivechunks[ls].points.insert(-1, betweensample.to_tuple()) layeractivechunks[ls + 1].points.insert(0, betweensample.to_tuple()) li += 1 # this chunk is terminated, and allready in layerchunks / # ch.points.append(betweensample.to_tuple())# ch.points.append(newsample) elif l[1] > newsample[2]: ch.points.append((newsample[0], newsample[1], l[1])) elif l[0] < newsample[2]: # terminate chunk terminatechunk = True if terminatechunk: if len(ch.points) > 0: as_chunk = ch.to_chunk() layerchunks[i].append(as_chunk) thisrunchunks[i].append(as_chunk) layeractivechunks[i] = CamPathChunkBuilder([]) lastsample = newsample for i, l in enumerate(layers): ch = layeractivechunks[i] if len(ch.points) > 0: as_chunk = ch.to_chunk() layerchunks[i].append(as_chunk) thisrunchunks[i].append(as_chunk) layeractivechunks[i] = CamPathChunkBuilder([]) # PARENTING if o.strategy == "PARALLEL" or o.strategy == "CROSS" or o.strategy == "OUTLINEFILL": timing_start(sortingtime) parent_child_distance(thisrunchunks[i], lastrunchunks[i], o) timing_add(sortingtime) lastrunchunks = thisrunchunks # print(len(layerchunks[i])) progress("Checking Relations Between Paths") timing_start(sortingtime) if o.strategy == "PARALLEL" or o.strategy == "CROSS" or o.strategy == "OUTLINEFILL": if len(layers) > 1: # sorting help so that upper layers go first always for i in range(0, len(layers) - 1): parents = [] children = [] # only pick chunks that should have connectivity assigned - 'last' and 'first' ones of the layer. for ch in layerchunks[i + 1]: if not ch.children: parents.append(ch) for ch1 in layerchunks[i]: if not ch1.parents: children.append(ch1) # parent only last and first chunk, before it did this for all. parent_child(parents, children, o) timing_add(sortingtime) chunks = [] for i, l in enumerate(layers): if o.movement.ramp: for ch in layerchunks[i]: ch.zstart = layers[i][0] ch.zend = layers[i][1] chunks.extend(layerchunks[i]) timing_add(totaltime) print(samplingtime) print(sortingtime) print(totaltime) return chunks
[docs] async def connect_chunks_low(chunks, o): """Connects chunks that are close to each other without lifting, sampling them 'low'. This function processes a list of chunks and connects those that are within a specified distance based on the provided options. It takes into account various strategies for connecting the chunks, including 'CARVE', 'PENCIL', and 'MEDIAL_AXIS', and adjusts the merging distance accordingly. The function also handles specific movement settings, such as whether to stay low or to merge distances, and may resample chunks if certain optimization conditions are met. Args: chunks (list): A list of chunk objects to be connected. o (object): An options object containing movement and strategy parameters. Returns: list: A list of connected chunk objects. """ if not o.movement.stay_low or (o.strategy == "CARVE" and o.carve_depth > 0): return chunks connectedchunks = [] chunks_to_resample = [] # for OpenCAMLib sampling mergedist = 3 * o.distance_between_paths if ( o.strategy == "PENCIL" ): # this is bigger for pencil path since it goes on the surface to clean up the rests, # and can go to close points on the surface without fear of going deep into material. mergedist = 10 * o.distance_between_paths if o.strategy == "MEDIAL_AXIS": mergedist = 1 * o.medial_axis_subdivision if o.movement.parallel_step_back: mergedist *= 2 if o.movement.merge_distance > 0: mergedist = o.movement.merge_distance # mergedist=10 lastch = None i = len(chunks) pos = (0, 0, 0) for ch in chunks: if ch.count() > 0: if lastch is not None and (ch.distance_start(pos, o) < mergedist): # CARVE should lift allways, when it goes below surface... # print(mergedist,ch.distance(pos,o)) if o.strategy == "PARALLEL" or o.strategy == "CROSS" or o.strategy == "PENCIL": # for these paths sorting happens after sampling, thats why they need resample the connection between = sample_path_low(o, lastch, ch, True) else: # print('addbetwee') between = sample_path_low( o, lastch, ch, False ) # other paths either dont use sampling or are sorted before it. if ( o.optimisation.use_opencamlib and o.optimisation.use_exact and ( o.strategy == "PARALLEL" or o.strategy == "CROSS" or o.strategy == "PENCIL" ) ): chunks_to_resample.append( (connectedchunks[-1], connectedchunks[-1].count(), between.count()) ) connectedchunks[-1].extend(between.get_points_np()) connectedchunks[-1].extend(ch.get_points_np()) else: connectedchunks.append(ch) lastch = ch pos = lastch.get_point(-1) if ( o.optimisation.use_opencamlib and o.optimisation.use_exact and o.strategy != "CUTOUT" and o.strategy != "POCKET" and o.strategy != "WATERLINE" ): await oclResampleChunks(o, chunks_to_resample, use_cached_mesh=True) return connectedchunks
[docs] async def sort_chunks(chunks, o, last_pos=None): """Sort a list of chunks based on a specified strategy. This function sorts a list of chunks according to the provided options and the current position. It utilizes a recursive approach to find the closest chunk to the current position and adapts its distance if it has not been sorted before. The function also handles progress updates asynchronously and adjusts the recursion limit to accommodate deep recursion scenarios. Args: chunks (list): A list of chunk objects to be sorted. o (object): An options object that contains sorting strategy and other parameters. last_pos (tuple?): The last known position as a tuple of coordinates. Defaults to None, which initializes the position to (0, 0, 0). Returns: list: A sorted list of chunk objects. """ if o.strategy != "WATERLINE": await progress_async("Sorting Paths") # the getNext() function of CamPathChunk was running out of recursion limits. sys.setrecursionlimit(100000) sortedchunks = [] chunks_to_resample = [] lastch = None last_progress_time = time.time() total = len(chunks) i = len(chunks) pos = (0, 0, 0) if last_pos is None else last_pos while len(chunks) > 0: if o.strategy != "WATERLINE" and time.time() - last_progress_time > 0.1: await progress_async("Sorting Paths", 100.0 * (total - len(chunks)) / total) last_progress_time = time.time() ch = None if ( len(sortedchunks) == 0 or len(lastch.parents) == 0 ): # first chunk or when there are no parents -> parents come after children here... ch = get_closest_chunk(o, pos, chunks) elif len(lastch.parents) > 0: # looks in parents for next candidate, recursively for parent in lastch.parents: ch = parent.get_next_closest(o, pos) if ch is not None: break if ch is None: ch = get_closest_chunk(o, pos, chunks) if ch is not None: # found next chunk, append it to list # only adaptdist the chunk if it has not been sorted before if not ch.sorted: ch.adapt_distance(pos, o) ch.sorted = True # print(len(ch.parents),'children') chunks.remove(ch) sortedchunks.append(ch) lastch = ch pos = lastch.get_point(-1) # print(i, len(chunks)) # experimental fix for infinite loop problem # else: # THIS PROBLEM WASN'T HERE AT ALL. but keeping it here, it might fix the problems somwhere else:) # can't find chunks close enough and still some chunks left # to be sorted. For now just move the remaining chunks over to # the sorted list. # This fixes an infinite loop condition that occurs sometimes. # This is a bandaid fix: need to find the root cause of this problem # suspect it has to do with the sorted flag? # print("no chunks found closest. Chunks not sorted: ", len(chunks)) # sortedchunks.extend(chunks) # chunks[:] = [] i -= 1 if o.strategy == "POCKET" and o.pocket_option == "OUTSIDE": sortedchunks.reverse() sys.setrecursionlimit(1000) if o.strategy != "DRILL" and o.strategy != "OUTLINEFILL": # THIS SHOULD AVOID ACTUALLY MOST STRATEGIES, THIS SHOULD BE DONE MANUALLY, # BECAUSE SOME STRATEGIES GET SORTED TWICE. sortedchunks = await connect_chunks_low(sortedchunks, o) return sortedchunks
[docs] async def oclResampleChunks(operation, chunks_to_resample, use_cached_mesh): """Resample chunks of data using OpenCL operations. This function takes a list of chunks to resample and performs an OpenCL sampling operation on them. It first prepares a temporary chunk that collects points from the specified chunks. Then, it calls the `ocl_sample` function to perform the sampling operation. After obtaining the samples, it updates the z-coordinates of the points in each chunk based on the sampled values. Args: operation (OperationType): The OpenCL operation to be performed. chunks_to_resample (list): A list of tuples, where each tuple contains a chunk object and its corresponding start index and length for resampling. use_cached_mesh (bool): A flag indicating whether to use cached mesh data during the sampling process. Returns: None: This function does not return a value but modifies the input chunks in place. """ tmp_chunks = list() tmp_chunks.append(CamPathChunk(inpoints=[])) for chunk, i_start, i_length in chunks_to_resample: tmp_chunks[0].extend(chunk.get_points_np()[i_start : i_start + i_length]) print(i_start, i_length, len(tmp_chunks[0].points)) samples = await ocl_sample(operation, tmp_chunks, use_cached_mesh=use_cached_mesh) sample_index = 0 for chunk, i_start, i_length in chunks_to_resample: z = np.array([p.z for p in samples[sample_index : sample_index + i_length]]) / OCL_SCALE pts = chunk.get_points_np() pt_z = pts[i_start : i_start + i_length, 2] pt_z = np.where(z > pt_z, z, pt_z) sample_index += i_length
[docs] async def oclGetWaterline(operation, chunks): """Generate waterline paths for a given machining operation. This function calculates the waterline paths based on the provided machining operation and its parameters. It determines the appropriate cutter type and dimensions, sets up the waterline object with the corresponding STL file, and processes each layer to generate the machining paths. The resulting paths are stored in the provided chunks list. The function also handles different cutter types, including end mills, ball nose cutters, and V-carve cutters. Args: operation (Operation): An object representing the machining operation, containing details such as cutter type, diameter, and minimum Z height. chunks (list): A list that will be populated with the generated machining path chunks. """ layers = oclWaterlineLayerHeights(operation) oclSTL = get_oclSTL(operation) op_cutter_type = operation.cutter_type op_cutter_diameter = operation.cutter_diameter op_minz = operation.min_z if op_cutter_type == "VCARVE": op_cutter_tip_angle = operation["cutter_tip_angle"] cutter = None # TODO: automatically determine necessary cutter length depending on object size cutter_length = 150 if op_cutter_type == "END": cutter = ocl.CylCutter((op_cutter_diameter + * 2) * 1000, cutter_length) elif op_cutter_type == "BALLNOSE": cutter = ocl.BallCutter((op_cutter_diameter + * 2) * 1000, cutter_length) elif op_cutter_type == "VCARVE": cutter = ocl.ConeCutter( (op_cutter_diameter + * 2) * 1000, op_cutter_tip_angle, cutter_length ) else: print("Cutter Unsupported: {0}\n".format(op_cutter_type)) quit() waterline = ocl.Waterline() waterline.setSTL(oclSTL) waterline.setCutter(cutter) waterline.setSampling(0.1) # TODO: add sampling setting to UI last_pos = [0, 0, 0] for count, height in enumerate(layers): layer_chunks = [] await progress_async("Waterline", int((100 * count) / len(layers))) waterline.reset() waterline.setZ(height * OCL_SCALE) waterline.run2() wl_loops = waterline.getLoops() for l in wl_loops: inpoints = [] for p in l: inpoints.append((p.x / OCL_SCALE, p.y / OCL_SCALE, p.z / OCL_SCALE)) inpoints.append(inpoints[0]) chunk = CamPathChunk(inpoints=inpoints) chunk.closed = True layer_chunks.append(chunk) # sort chunks so that ordering is stable chunks.extend(await sort_chunks(layer_chunks, operation, last_pos=last_pos)) if len(chunks) > 0: last_pos = chunks[-1].get_point(-1)
# search edges for pencil strategy, another try.
[docs] def image_edge_search_on_line(o, ar, zimage): """Search for edges in an image using a pencil strategy. This function implements an edge detection algorithm that simulates a pencil-like movement across the image represented by a 2D array. It identifies white pixels and builds chunks of points based on the detected edges. The algorithm iteratively explores possible directions to find and track the edges until a specified condition is met, such as exhausting the available white pixels or reaching a maximum number of tests. Args: o (object): An object containing parameters such as min, max coordinates, cutter diameter, border width, and optimisation settings. ar (np.ndarray): A 2D array representing the image where edge detection is to be performed. zimage (np.ndarray): A 2D array representing the z-coordinates corresponding to the image. Returns: list: A list of chunks representing the detected edges in the image. """ minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz = o.min.x, o.min.y, o.min.z, o.max.x, o.max.y, o.max.z r = ceil((o.cutter_diameter / 12) / o.optimisation.pixsize) # was commented coef = 0.75 maxarx = ar.shape[0] maxary = ar.shape[1] directions = ((-1, -1), (0, -1), (1, -1), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1), (-1, 1), (-1, 0)) indices = ar.nonzero() # first get white pixels startpix = ar.sum() totpix = startpix chunk_builders = [] xs = indices[0][0] ys = indices[1][0] nchunk = CamPathChunkBuilder([(xs, ys, zimage[xs, ys])]) # startposition dindex = 0 # index in the directions list last_direction = directions[dindex] test_direction = directions[dindex] i = 0 perc = 0 itests = 0 totaltests = 0 maxtotaltests = startpix * 4 ar[xs, ys] = False while totpix > 0 and totaltests < maxtotaltests: # a ratio when the algorithm is allowed to end if perc != int(100 - 100 * totpix / startpix): perc = int(100 - 100 * totpix / startpix) progress("Pencil Path Searching", perc) # progress('simulation ',int(100*i/l)) success = False testangulardistance = 0 # distance from initial direction in the list of direction testleftright = False # test both sides from last vector while not success: xs = nchunk.points[-1][0] + test_direction[0] ys = nchunk.points[-1][1] + test_direction[1] if xs > r and xs < ar.shape[0] - r and ys > r and ys < ar.shape[1] - r: test = ar[xs, ys] # print(test) if test: success = True if success: nchunk.points.append([xs, ys, zimage[xs, ys]]) last_direction = test_direction ar[xs, ys] = False if 0: print("Success") print(xs, ys, testlength, testangle) print(lastvect) print(testvect) print(itests) else: # nappend([xs,ys])#for debugging purpose # ar.shape[0] test_direction = last_direction if testleftright: testangulardistance = -testangulardistance testleftright = False else: testangulardistance = -testangulardistance testangulardistance += 1 # increment angle testleftright = True if abs(testangulardistance) > 6: # /testlength testangulardistance = 0 indices = ar.nonzero() totpix = len(indices[0]) chunk_builders.append(nchunk) if len(indices[0] > 0): xs = indices[0][0] ys = indices[1][0] nchunk = CamPathChunkBuilder([(xs, ys, zimage[xs, ys])]) # startposition ar[xs, ys] = False else: nchunk = CamPathChunkBuilder([]) test_direction = directions[3] last_direction = directions[3] success = True itests = 0 # print('reset') if len(nchunk.points) > 0: if nchunk.points[-1][0] + test_direction[0] < r: testvect.x = r if nchunk.points[-1][1] + test_direction[1] < r: testvect.y = r if nchunk.points[-1][0] + test_direction[0] > maxarx - r: testvect.x = maxarx - r if nchunk.points[-1][1] + test_direction[1] > maxary - r: testvect.y = maxary - r dindexmod = dindex + testangulardistance while dindexmod < 0: dindexmod += len(directions) while dindexmod > len(directions): dindexmod -= len(directions) test_direction = directions[dindexmod] if 0: print(xs, ys, test_direction, last_direction, testangulardistance) print(totpix) itests += 1 totaltests += 1 i += 1 if i % 100 == 0: # print('100 succesfull tests done') totpix = ar.sum() # print(totpix) # print(totaltests) i = 0 chunk_builders.append(nchunk) for ch in chunk_builders: ch = ch.points for i in range(0, len(ch)): ch[i] = ( (ch[i][0] + coef - o.borderwidth) * o.optimisation.pixsize + minx, (ch[i][1] + coef - o.borderwidth) * o.optimisation.pixsize + miny, ch[i][2], ) return [c.to_chunk() for c in chunk_builders]
[docs] def get_offset_image_cavities(o, i): # for pencil operation mainly """Detects areas in the offset image which are 'cavities' due to curvature changes. This function analyzes the input image to identify regions where the curvature changes, indicating the presence of cavities. It computes vertical and horizontal differences in pixel values to detect edges and applies a threshold to filter out insignificant changes. The resulting areas are then processed to remove any chunks that do not meet the minimum criteria for cavity detection. The function returns a list of valid chunks that represent the detected cavities. Args: o: An object containing parameters and thresholds for the detection process. i (np.ndarray): A 2D array representing the image data to be analyzed. Returns: list: A list of detected chunks representing the cavities in the image. """ # i=np.logical_xor(lastislice , islice) progress("Detect Corners in the Offset Image") vertical = i[:-2, 1:-1] - i[1:-1, 1:-1] - o.pencil_threshold > i[1:-1, 1:-1] - i[2:, 1:-1] horizontal = i[1:-1, :-2] - i[1:-1, 1:-1] - o.pencil_threshold > i[1:-1, 1:-1] - i[1:-1, 2:] # if ar = np.logical_or(vertical, horizontal) if 1: # this is newer strategy, finds edges nicely, but pff.going exacty on edge, # it has tons of spikes and simply is not better than the old one iname = get_cache_path(o) + "_pencilthres.exr" # numpysave(ar,iname)#save for comparison before chunks = image_edge_search_on_line(o, ar, i) iname = get_cache_path(o) + "_pencilthres_comp.exr" print("New Pencil Strategy") # ##crop pixels that are on outer borders for chi in range(len(chunks) - 1, -1, -1): chunk = chunks[chi] chunk.clip_points(o.min.x, o.max.x, o.min.y, o.max.y) # for si in range(len(points) - 1, -1, -1): # if not (o.min.x < points[si][0] < o.max.x and o.min.y < points[si][1] < o.max.y): # points.pop(si) if chunk.count() < 2: chunks.pop(chi) return chunks
[docs] def crazy_stroke_image(o): """Generate a toolpath for a milling operation using a crazy stroke strategy. This function computes a path for a milling cutter based on the provided parameters and the offset image. It utilizes a circular cutter representation and evaluates potential cutting positions based on various thresholds. The algorithm iteratively tests different angles and lengths for the cutter's movement until the desired cutting area is achieved or the maximum number of tests is reached. Args: o (object): An object containing parameters such as cutter diameter, optimization settings, movement type, and thresholds for determining cutting effectiveness. Returns: list: A list of chunks representing the computed toolpath for the milling operation. """ # this surprisingly works, and can be used as a basis for something similar to adaptive milling strategy. minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz = o.min.x, o.min.y, o.min.z, o.max.x, o.max.y, o.max.z # ceil((o.cutter_diameter/12)/o.optimisation.pixsize) r = int((o.cutter_diameter / 2.0) / o.optimisation.pixsize) d = 2 * r coef = 0.75 ar = o.offset_image.copy() maxarx = ar.shape[0] maxary = ar.shape[1] cutterArray = get_circle_binary(r) cutterArrayNegative = -cutterArray cutterimagepix = cutterArray.sum() # a threshold which says if it is valuable to cut in a direction satisfypix = cutterimagepix * o.crazy_threshold_1 toomuchpix = cutterimagepix * o.crazy_threshold_2 indices = ar.nonzero() # first get white pixels startpix = ar.sum() # totpix = startpix chunk_builders = [] xs = indices[0][0] - r if xs < r: xs = r ys = indices[1][0] - r if ys < r: ys = r nchunk = CamPathChunkBuilder([(xs, ys)]) # startposition print(indices) print(indices[0][0], indices[1][0]) # vector is 3d, blender somehow doesn't rotate 2d vectors with angles. lastvect = Vector((r, 0, 0)) # multiply *2 not to get values <1 pixel testvect = lastvect.normalized() * r / 2.0 rot = Euler((0, 0, 1)) i = 0 perc = 0 itests = 0 totaltests = 0 maxtests = 500 maxtotaltests = 1000000 print(xs, ys, indices[0][0], indices[1][0], r) ar[xs - r : xs - r + d, ys - r : ys - r + d] = ( ar[xs - r : xs - r + d, ys - r : ys - r + d] * cutterArrayNegative ) # range for angle of toolpath vector versus material vector anglerange = [-pi, pi] testangleinit = 0 angleincrement = 0.05 if (o.movement.type == "CLIMB" and o.movement.spindle_rotation == "CCW") or ( o.movement.type == "CONVENTIONAL" and o.movement.spindle_rotation == "CW" ): anglerange = [-pi, 0] testangleinit = 1 angleincrement = -angleincrement elif (o.movement.type == "CONVENTIONAL" and o.movement.spindle_rotation == "CCW") or ( o.movement.type == "CLIMB" and o.movement.spindle_rotation == "CW" ): anglerange = [0, pi] testangleinit = -1 angleincrement = angleincrement while totpix > 0 and totaltests < maxtotaltests: # a ratio when the algorithm is allowed to end success = False # define a vector which gets varied throughout the testing, growing and growing angle to sides. testangle = testangleinit testleftright = False testlength = r while not success: xs = nchunk.points[-1][0] + int(testvect.x) ys = nchunk.points[-1][1] + int(testvect.y) if xs > r + 1 and xs < ar.shape[0] - r - 1 and ys > r + 1 and ys < ar.shape[1] - r - 1: testar = ar[xs - r : xs - r + d, ys - r : ys - r + d] * cutterArray if 0: print("Test") print(testar.sum(), satisfypix) print(xs, ys, testlength, testangle) print(lastvect) print(testvect) print(totpix) eatpix = testar.sum() cindices = testar.nonzero() cx = cindices[0].sum() / eatpix cy = cindices[1].sum() / eatpix v = Vector((cx - r, cy - r)) angle = testvect.to_2d().angle_signed(v) # this could be righthanded milling? lets see :) if anglerange[0] < angle < anglerange[1]: if toomuchpix > eatpix > satisfypix: success = True if success: nchunk.points.append([xs, ys]) lastvect = testvect ar[xs - r : xs - r + d, ys - r : ys - r + d] = ar[ xs - r : xs - r + d, ys - r : ys - r + d ] * (-cutterArray) totpix -= eatpix itests = 0 if 0: print("Success") print(xs, ys, testlength, testangle) print(lastvect) print(testvect) print(itests) else: # TODO: after all angles were tested into material higher than toomuchpix, it should cancel, # otherwise there is no problem with long travel in free space..... # TODO:the testing should start not from the same angle as lastvector, but more towards material. # So values closer to toomuchpix are obtained rather than satisfypix testvect = lastvect.normalized() * testlength right = True if testangleinit == 0: # meander if testleftright: testangle = -testangle testleftright = False else: testangle = abs(testangle) + angleincrement # increment angle testleftright = True else: # climb/conv. testangle += angleincrement if abs(testangle) > o.crazy_threshold_3: # /testlength testangle = testangleinit testlength += r / 4.0 if nchunk.points[-1][0] + testvect.x < r: testvect.x = r if nchunk.points[-1][1] + testvect.y < r: testvect.y = r if nchunk.points[-1][0] + testvect.x > maxarx - r: testvect.x = maxarx - r if nchunk.points[-1][1] + testvect.y > maxary - r: testvect.y = maxary - r rot.z = testangle testvect.rotate(rot) # if 0: # print(xs, ys, testlength, testangle) # print(lastvect) # print(testvect) # print(totpix) itests += 1 totaltests += 1 if itests > maxtests or testlength > r * 1.5: # print('resetting location') indices = ar.nonzero() chunk_builders.append(nchunk) if len(indices[0]) > 0: xs = indices[0][0] - r if xs < r: xs = r ys = indices[1][0] - r if ys < r: ys = r nchunk = CamPathChunkBuilder([(xs, ys)]) # startposition ar[xs - r : xs - r + d, ys - r : ys - r + d] = ( ar[xs - r : xs - r + d, ys - r : ys - r + d] * cutterArrayNegative ) r = random.random() * 2 * pi e = Euler((0, 0, r)) testvect = lastvect.normalized() * 4 # multiply *2 not to get values <1 pixel testvect.rotate(e) lastvect = testvect.copy() success = True itests = 0 i += 1 if i % 100 == 0: print("100 Succesfull Tests Done") totpix = ar.sum() print(totpix) print(totaltests) i = 0 chunk_builders.append(nchunk) for ch in chunk_builders: ch = ch.points for i in range(0, len(ch)): ch[i] = ( (ch[i][0] + coef - o.borderwidth) * o.optimisation.pixsize + minx, (ch[i][1] + coef - o.borderwidth) * o.optimisation.pixsize + miny, 0, ) return [c.to_chunk() for c in chunk_builders]
[docs] def crazy_stroke_image_binary(o, ar, avoidar): """Perform a milling operation using a binary image representation. This function implements a strategy for milling by navigating through a binary image. It starts from a defined point and attempts to move in various directions, evaluating the cutter load to determine the appropriate path. The algorithm continues until it either exhausts the available pixels to cut or reaches a predefined limit on the number of tests. The function modifies the input array to represent the areas that have been milled and returns the generated path as a list of chunks. Args: o (object): An object containing parameters for the milling operation, including cutter diameter, thresholds, and movement type. ar (np.ndarray): A 2D binary array representing the image to be milled. avoidar (np.ndarray): A 2D binary array indicating areas to avoid during milling. Returns: list: A list of chunks representing the path taken during the milling operation. """ # this surprisingly works, and can be used as a basis for something similar to adaptive milling strategy. # works like this: # start 'somewhere' # try to go in various directions. # if somewhere the cutter load is appropriate - it is correct magnitude and side, continue in that directon # try to continue straight or around that, looking minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz = o.min.x, o.min.y, o.min.z, o.max.x, o.max.y, o.max.z # TODO this should be somewhere else, but here it is now to get at least some ambient for start of the operation. ar[: o.borderwidth, :] = 0 ar[-o.borderwidth :, :] = 0 ar[:, : o.borderwidth] = 0 ar[:, -o.borderwidth :] = 0 # ceil((o.cutter_diameter/12)/o.optimisation.pixsize) r = int((o.cutter_diameter / 2.0) / o.optimisation.pixsize) d = 2 * r coef = 0.75 maxarx = ar.shape[0] maxary = ar.shape[1] cutterArray = get_circle_binary(r) cutterArrayNegative = -cutterArray cutterimagepix = cutterArray.sum() anglelimit = o.crazy_threshold_3 # a threshold which says if it is valuable to cut in a direction satisfypix = cutterimagepix * o.crazy_threshold_1 toomuchpix = cutterimagepix * o.crazy_threshold_2 # same, but upper limit # (satisfypix+toomuchpix)/2.0# the ideal eating ratio optimalpix = cutterimagepix * o.crazy_threshold_5 indices = ar.nonzero() # first get white pixels startpix = ar.sum() # totpix = startpix chunk_builders = [] # try to find starting point here xs = indices[0][0] - r / 2 if xs < r: xs = r ys = indices[1][0] - r if ys < r: ys = r nchunk = CamPathChunkBuilder([(xs, ys)]) # startposition print(indices) print(indices[0][0], indices[1][0]) # vector is 3d, blender somehow doesn't rotate 2d vectors with angles. lastvect = Vector((r, 0, 0)) # multiply *2 not to get values <1 pixel testvect = lastvect.normalized() * r / 4.0 rot = Euler((0, 0, 1)) i = 0 itests = 0 totaltests = 0 maxtests = 2000 maxtotaltests = 20000 # 1000000 margin = 0 # print(xs,ys,indices[0][0],indices[1][0],r) ar[xs - r : xs + r, ys - r : ys + r] = ( ar[xs - r : xs + r, ys - r : ys + r] * cutterArrayNegative ) anglerange = [-pi, pi] # range for angle of toolpath vector versus material vector - # probably direction negative to the force applied on cutter by material. testangleinit = 0 angleincrement = o.crazy_threshold_4 if (o.movement.type == "CLIMB" and o.movement.spindle_rotation == "CCW") or ( o.movement.type == "CONVENTIONAL" and o.movement.spindle_rotation == "CW" ): anglerange = [-pi, 0] testangleinit = anglelimit angleincrement = -angleincrement elif (o.movement.type == "CONVENTIONAL" and o.movement.spindle_rotation == "CCW") or ( o.movement.type == "CLIMB" and o.movement.spindle_rotation == "CW" ): anglerange = [0, pi] testangleinit = -anglelimit angleincrement = angleincrement while totpix > 0 and totaltests < maxtotaltests: # a ratio when the algorithm is allowed to end success = False # define a vector which gets varied throughout the testing, growing and growing angle to sides. testangle = testangleinit testleftright = False testlength = r foundsolutions = [] while not success: xs = int(nchunk.points[-1][0] + testvect.x) ys = int(nchunk.points[-1][1] + testvect.y) # print(xs,ys,ar.shape) # print(d) if ( xs > r + margin and xs < ar.shape[0] - r - margin and ys > r + margin and ys < ar.shape[1] - r - margin ): # avoidtest=avoidar[xs-r:xs+r,ys-r:ys+r]*cutterArray if not avoidar[xs, ys]: testar = ar[xs - r : xs + r, ys - r : ys + r] * cutterArray eatpix = testar.sum() cindices = testar.nonzero() cx = cindices[0].sum() / eatpix cy = cindices[1].sum() / eatpix v = Vector((cx - r, cy - r)) # print(testvect.length,testvect) if v.length != 0: angle = testvect.to_2d().angle_signed(v) if ( anglerange[0] < angle < anglerange[1] and toomuchpix > eatpix > satisfypix ) or (eatpix > 0 and totpix < startpix * 0.025): # this could be righthanded milling? # lets see :) # print(xs,ys,angle) foundsolutions.append([testvect.copy(), eatpix]) # or totpix < startpix*0.025: if len(foundsolutions) >= 10: success = True itests += 1 totaltests += 1 if success: # fist, try to inter/extrapolate the recieved results. closest = 100000000 # print('evaluate') for s in foundsolutions: # print(abs(s[1]-optimalpix),optimalpix,abs(s[1])) if abs(s[1] - optimalpix) < closest: bestsolution = s closest = abs(s[1] - optimalpix) # print('closest',closest) # v1#+(v2-v1)*ratio#rewriting with interpolated vect. testvect = bestsolution[0] xs = int(nchunk.points[-1][0] + testvect.x) ys = int(nchunk.points[-1][1] + testvect.y) nchunk.points.append([xs, ys]) lastvect = testvect ar[xs - r : xs + r, ys - r : ys + r] = ( ar[xs - r : xs + r, ys - r : ys + r] * cutterArrayNegative ) totpix -= bestsolution[1] itests = 0 # if 0: # print('success') # print(testar.sum(), satisfypix, toomuchpix) # print(xs, ys, testlength, testangle) # print(lastvect) # print(testvect) # print(itests) totaltests = 0 else: # TODO: after all angles were tested into material higher than toomuchpix, # it should cancel, otherwise there is no problem with long travel in free space..... # TODO:the testing should start not from the same angle as lastvector, but more towards material. # So values closer to toomuchpix are obtained rather than satisfypix testvect = lastvect.normalized() * testlength if testangleinit == 0: # meander if testleftright: testangle = -testangle - angleincrement testleftright = False else: testangle = -testangle + angleincrement # increment angle testleftright = True else: # climb/conv. testangle += angleincrement if (abs(testangle) > o.crazy_threshold_3 and len(nchunk.points) > 1) or abs( testangle ) > 2 * pi: # /testlength testangle = testangleinit testlength += r / 4.0 # print(itests,testlength) if nchunk.points[-1][0] + testvect.x < r: testvect.x = r if nchunk.points[-1][1] + testvect.y < r: testvect.y = r if nchunk.points[-1][0] + testvect.x > maxarx - r: testvect.x = maxarx - r if nchunk.points[-1][1] + testvect.y > maxary - r: testvect.y = maxary - r rot.z = testangle # if abs(testvect.normalized().y<-0.99): # print(testvect,rot.z) testvect.rotate(rot) # if 0: # print(xs, ys, testlength, testangle) # print(lastvect) # print(testvect) # print(totpix) if itests > maxtests or testlength > r * 1.5: # if len(foundsolutions)>0: # print('resetting location') # print(testlength,r) andar = np.logical_and(ar, np.logical_not(avoidar)) indices = andar.nonzero() if len(nchunk.points) > 1: parent_child_distance([nchunk], chunks, o, distance=r) chunk_builders.append(nchunk) if totpix > startpix * 0.001: found = False ftests = 0 while not found: # look for next start point: index = random.randint(0, len(indices[0]) - 1) # print(index,len(indices[0])) # print(indices[index]) xs = indices[0][index] ys = indices[1][index] v = Vector((r - 1, 0, 0)) randomrot = random.random() * 2 * pi e = Euler((0, 0, randomrot)) v.rotate(e) xs += int(v.x) ys += int(v.y) if xs < r: xs = r if ys < r: ys = r if avoidar[xs, ys] == 0: # print(toomuchpix,ar[xs-r:xs-r+d,ys-r:ys-r+d].sum()*pi/4,satisfypix) testarsum = ( ar[xs - r : xs - r + d, ys - r : ys - r + d].sum() * pi / 4 ) if toomuchpix > testarsum > 0 or ( totpix < startpix * 0.025 ): # 0 now instead of satisfypix found = True # print(xs,ys,indices[0][index],indices[1][index]) nchunk = CamPathChunk([(xs, ys)]) # startposition ar[xs - r : xs + r, ys - r : ys + r] = ( ar[xs - r : xs + r, ys - r : ys + r] * cutterArrayNegative ) # lastvect=Vector((r,0,0))#vector is 3d, # blender somehow doesn't rotate 2d vectors with angles. randomrot = random.random() * 2 * pi e = Euler((0, 0, randomrot)) testvect = ( lastvect.normalized() * 2 ) # multiply *2 not to get values <1 pixel testvect.rotate(e) lastvect = testvect.copy() if ftests > 2000: totpix = 0 # this quits the process now. ftests += 1 success = True itests = 0 i += 1 if i % 100 == 0: print("100 Succesfull Tests Done") totpix = ar.sum() print(totpix) print(totaltests) i = 0 if len(nchunk.points) > 1: parent_child_distance([nchunk], chunks, o, distance=r) chunk_builders.append(nchunk) for ch in chunk_builders: ch = ch.points for i in range(0, len(ch)): ch[i] = ( (ch[i][0] + coef - o.borderwidth) * o.optimisation.pixsize + minx, (ch[i][1] + coef - o.borderwidth) * o.optimisation.pixsize + miny, o.min_z, ) return [c.to_chunk for c in chunk_builders]
[docs] def image_to_chunks(o, image, with_border=False): """Convert an image into chunks based on detected edges. This function processes a given image to identify edges and convert them into polychunks, which are essentially collections of connected edge segments. It utilizes the properties of the input object `o` to determine the boundaries and size of the chunks. The function can optionally include borders in the edge detection process. The output is a list of chunks that represent the detected polygons in the image. Args: o (object): An object containing properties such as min, max, borderwidth, and optimisation settings. image (np.ndarray): A 2D array representing the image to be processed, expected to be in a format compatible with uint8. with_border (bool?): A flag indicating whether to include borders in the edge detection. Defaults to False. Returns: list: A list of chunks, where each chunk is represented as a collection of points that outline the detected edges in the image. """ t = time.time() minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz = o.min.x, o.min.y, o.min.z, o.max.x, o.max.y, o.max.z pixsize = o.optimisation.pixsize image = image.astype(np.uint8) # progress('detecting outline') edges = [] ar = image[:, :-1] - image[:, 1:] indices1 = ar.nonzero() borderspread = 2 # o.cutter_diameter/o.optimisation.pixsize#when the border was excluded precisely, sometimes it did remove some silhouette parts r = o.borderwidth - borderspread # to prevent outline of the border was 3 before and also (o.cutter_diameter/2)/pixsize+o.borderwidth if with_border: # print('border') r = 0 w = image.shape[0] h = image.shape[1] coef = 0.75 # compensates for imprecisions for id in range(0, len(indices1[0])): a = indices1[0][id] b = indices1[1][id] if r < a < w - r and r < b < h - r: edges.append(((a - 1, b), (a, b))) ar = image[:-1, :] - image[1:, :] indices2 = ar.nonzero() for id in range(0, len(indices2[0])): a = indices2[0][id] b = indices2[1][id] if r < a < w - r and r < b < h - r: edges.append(((a, b - 1), (a, b))) polychunks = [] # progress(len(edges)) d = {} for e in edges: d[e[0]] = [] d[e[1]] = [] for e in edges: verts1 = d[e[0]] verts2 = d[e[1]] verts1.append(e[1]) verts2.append(e[0]) if len(edges) > 0: ch = [edges[0][0], edges[0][1]] # first and his reference d[edges[0][0]].remove(edges[0][1]) i = 0 specialcase = 0 # progress('condensing outline') while len(d) > 0 and i < 20000000: verts = d.get(ch[-1], []) closed = False # print(verts) if len(verts) <= 1: # this will be good for not closed loops...some time closed = True if len(verts) == 1: ch.append(verts[0]) verts.remove(verts[0]) elif len(verts) >= 3: specialcase += 1 v1 = ch[-1] v2 = ch[-2] white = image[v1[0], v1[1]] comesfromtop = v1[1] < v2[1] comesfrombottom = v1[1] > v2[1] comesfromleft = v1[0] > v2[0] comesfromright = v1[0] < v2[0] take = False for v in verts: if v[0] == ch[-2][0] and v[1] == ch[-2][1]: pass verts.remove(v) if not take: if (not white and comesfromtop) or ( white and comesfrombottom ): # goes right if v1[0] + 0.5 < v[0]: take = True elif (not white and comesfrombottom) or ( white and comesfromtop ): # goes left if v1[0] > v[0] + 0.5: take = True elif (not white and comesfromleft) or ( white and comesfromright ): # goes down if v1[1] > v[1] + 0.5: take = True elif (not white and comesfromright) or (white and comesfromleft): # goes up if v1[1] + 0.5 < v[1]: take = True if take: ch.append(v) verts.remove(v) else: # here it has to be 2 always done = False for vi in range(len(verts) - 1, -1, -1): if not done: v = verts[vi] if v[0] == ch[-2][0] and v[1] == ch[-2][1]: pass verts.remove(v) else: ch.append(v) done = True verts.remove(v) # or len(verts)<=1: if v[0] == ch[0][0] and v[1] == ch[0][1]: closed = True if closed: polychunks.append(ch) for si, s in enumerate(ch): # print(si) if si > 0: # first one was popped if d.get(s, None) is not None and len(d[s]) == 0: # this makes the case much less probable, but i think not impossible d.pop(s) if len(d) > 0: newch = False while not newch: v1 = d.popitem() if len(v1[1]) > 0: ch = [v1[0], v1[1][0]] newch = True # print(' la problema grandiosa') i += 1 if i % 10000 == 0: print(len(ch)) # print(polychunks) print(i) vecchunks = [] for ch in polychunks: vecchunk = [] vecchunks.append(vecchunk) for i in range(0, len(ch)): ch[i] = ( (ch[i][0] + coef - o.borderwidth) * pixsize + minx, (ch[i][1] + coef - o.borderwidth) * pixsize + miny, 0, ) vecchunk.append(Vector(ch[i])) # print('optimizing outline') # print('directsimplify') reduxratio = 1.25 # was 1.25 soptions = [ "distance", "distance", o.optimisation.pixsize * reduxratio, 5, o.optimisation.pixsize * reduxratio, ] nchunks = [] for i, ch in enumerate(vecchunks): s = curve_simplify.simplify_RDP(ch, soptions) # print(s) nch = CamPathChunkBuilder([]) for i in range(0, len(s)): nch.points.append((ch[s[i]].x, ch[s[i]].y)) if len(nch.points) > 2: nchunks.append(nch.to_chunk()) return nchunks else: return []
[docs] def image_to_shapely(o, i, with_border=False): """Convert an image to Shapely polygons. This function takes an image and converts it into a series of Shapely polygon objects. It first processes the image into chunks and then transforms those chunks into polygon geometries. The `with_border` parameter allows for the inclusion of borders in the resulting polygons. Args: o: The input image to be processed. i: Additional input parameters for processing the image. with_border (bool): A flag indicating whether to include borders in the resulting polygons. Defaults to False. Returns: list: A list of Shapely polygon objects created from the image chunks. """ polychunks = image_to_chunks(o, i, with_border) polys = chunks_to_shapely(polychunks) return polys