Source code for cam.bridges

"""Fabex '' © 2012 Vilem Novak

Functions to add Bridges / Tabs to meshes or curves.
Called with Operators defined in ''

from math import (

from shapely import ops as sops
from shapely import geometry as sgeometry
from shapely import prepared

import bpy
from bpy_extras.object_utils import object_data_add
from mathutils import Vector

from .cam_chunk import (

from .utilities.operation_utils import get_operation_sources
from .utilities.simple_utils import join_multiple, remove_doubles

[docs] def add_bridge(x, y, rot, size_x, size_y): """Add a bridge mesh object to the scene. This function creates a bridge by adding a primitive plane to the Blender scene, adjusting its dimensions, and then converting it into a curve. The bridge is positioned based on the provided coordinates and rotation. The size of the bridge is determined by the `sizex` and `sizey` parameters. Args: x (float): The x-coordinate for the bridge's location. y (float): The y-coordinate for the bridge's location. rot (float): The rotation angle around the z-axis in radians. sizex (float): The width of the bridge. sizey (float): The height of the bridge. Returns: bpy.types.Object: The created bridge object. """ bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add( size=size_y * 2, calc_uvs=True, enter_editmode=False, align="WORLD", location=(0, 0, 0), rotation=(0, 0, 0), ) b = bpy.context.active_object = "bridge" # b.show_name=True b.dimensions.x = size_x bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(location=False, rotation=False, scale=True) bpy.ops.object.editmode_toggle() bpy.ops.transform.translate( value=(0, size_y / 2, 0), constraint_axis=(False, True, False), orient_type="GLOBAL", mirror=False, use_proportional_edit=False, proportional_edit_falloff="SMOOTH", proportional_size=1, ) bpy.ops.object.editmode_toggle() bpy.ops.object.convert(target="CURVE") b.location = x, y, 0 b.rotation_euler.z = rot return b
[docs] def add_auto_bridges(o): """Attempt to add auto bridges as a set of curves. This function creates a collection of bridges based on the provided object. It checks if a collection for bridges already exists; if not, it creates a new one. The function then iterates through the objects in the input object, processing curves and meshes to generate bridge geometries. For each geometry, it calculates the necessary points and adds bridges at various orientations based on the geometry's bounds. Args: o (object): An object containing properties such as bridges_collection_name, bridges_width, and cutter_diameter, along with a list of objects to process. Returns: None: This function does not return a value but modifies the Blender context by adding bridge objects to the specified collection. """ get_operation_sources(o) bridgecollectionname = o.bridges_collection_name if bridgecollectionname == "" or is None: bridgecollectionname = "bridges_" +[bridgecollectionname]) g =[bridgecollectionname] o.bridges_collection_name = bridgecollectionname for ob in o.objects: if ob.type == "CURVE" or ob.type == "TEXT": curve = curve_to_shapely(ob) if ob.type == "MESH": curve = get_object_silhouette("OBJECTS", [ob]) for c in curve.geoms: c = c.exterior minx, miny, maxx, maxy = c.bounds d1 = c.project(sgeometry.Point(maxx + 1000, (maxy + miny) / 2.0)) p = c.interpolate(d1) bo = add_bridge(p.x, p.y, -pi / 2, o.bridges_width, o.cutter_diameter * 1) bpy.context.collection.objects.unlink(bo) d1 = c.project(sgeometry.Point(minx - 1000, (maxy + miny) / 2.0)) p = c.interpolate(d1) bo = add_bridge(p.x, p.y, pi / 2, o.bridges_width, o.cutter_diameter * 1) bpy.context.collection.objects.unlink(bo) d1 = c.project(sgeometry.Point((minx + maxx) / 2.0, maxy + 1000)) p = c.interpolate(d1) bo = add_bridge(p.x, p.y, 0, o.bridges_width, o.cutter_diameter * 1) bpy.context.collection.objects.unlink(bo) d1 = c.project(sgeometry.Point((minx + maxx) / 2.0, miny - 1000)) p = c.interpolate(d1) bo = add_bridge(p.x, p.y, pi, o.bridges_width, o.cutter_diameter * 1) bpy.context.collection.objects.unlink(bo)
[docs] def get_bridges_poly(o): """Generate and prepare bridge polygons from a Blender object. This function checks if the provided object has an attribute for bridge polygons. If not, it retrieves the bridge collection, selects all curve objects within that collection, duplicates them, and joins them into a single object. The resulting shape is then converted to a Shapely geometry. The function buffers the resulting polygon to account for the cutter diameter and prepares the boundary and polygon for further processing. Args: o (object): An object containing properties related to bridge """ if not hasattr(o, "bridgespolyorig"): bridgecollectionname = o.bridges_collection_name bridgecollection =[bridgecollectionname] bpy.ops.object.select_all(action="DESELECT") for ob in bridgecollection.objects: if ob.type == "CURVE": ob.select_set(state=True) = ob bpy.ops.object.duplicate() bpy.ops.object.join() ob = bpy.context.active_object shapes = curve_to_shapely(ob, o.use_bridge_modifiers) ob.select_set(state=True) bpy.ops.object.delete(use_global=False) bridgespoly = sops.unary_union(shapes) # buffer the poly, so the bridges are not actually milled... o.bridgespolyorig = bridgespoly.buffer(distance=o.cutter_diameter / 2.0) o.bridgespoly_boundary = o.bridgespolyorig.boundary o.bridgespoly_boundary_prep = prepared.prep(o.bridgespolyorig.boundary) o.bridgespoly = prepared.prep(o.bridgespolyorig)
[docs] def use_bridges(ch, o): """Add bridges to chunks using a collection of bridge objects. This function takes a collection of bridge objects and uses the curves within it to create bridges over the specified chunks. It calculates the necessary points for the bridges based on the height and geometry of the chunks and the bridge objects. The function also handles intersections with the bridge polygon and adjusts the points accordingly. Finally, it generates a mesh for the bridges and converts it into a curve object in Blender. Args: ch (Chunk): The chunk object to which bridges will be added. o (ObjectOptions): An object containing options such as bridge height, collection name, and other parameters. Returns: None: The function modifies the chunk object in place and does not return a value. """ bridgecollectionname = o.bridges_collection_name if bridgecollectionname == "": bridgecollection = else: bridgecollection =[bridgecollectionname] if len(bridgecollection.objects) > 0: # get bridgepoly get_bridges_poly(o) #### bridgeheight = min(o.max.z, o.min.z + abs(o.bridges_height)) vi = 0 newpoints = [] ch_points = ch.get_points_np() p1 = sgeometry.Point(ch_points[0]) startinside = o.bridgespoly.contains(p1) interrupted = False verts = [] edges = [] faces = [] while vi < len(ch_points): i1 = vi i2 = vi chp1 = ch_points[i1] # Vector(v1)#this is for case of last point and not closed chunk.. chp2 = ch_points[i1] if vi + 1 < len(ch_points): i2 = vi + 1 chp2 = ch_points[vi + 1] # Vector(ch_points[vi+1]) v1 = Vector(chp1) v2 = Vector(chp2) if v1.z < bridgeheight or v2.z < bridgeheight: v = v2 - v1 p2 = sgeometry.Point(chp2) if interrupted: p1 = sgeometry.Point(chp1) startinside = o.bridgespoly.contains(p1) interrupted = False endinside = o.bridgespoly.contains(p2) l = sgeometry.LineString([chp1, chp2]) if o.bridgespoly_boundary_prep.intersects(l): intersections = o.bridgespoly_boundary.intersection(l) else: intersections = sgeometry.GeometryCollection() itpoint = intersections.geom_type == "Point" itmpoint = intersections.geom_type == "MultiPoint" if not startinside: newpoints.append(chp1) elif startinside: newpoints.append((chp1[0], chp1[1], max(chp1[2], bridgeheight))) cpoints = [] if itpoint: pt = Vector((intersections.x, intersections.y, intersections.z)) cpoints = [pt] elif itmpoint: cpoints = [] for p in intersections.geoms: pt = Vector((p.x, p.y, p.z)) cpoints.append(pt) # ####sort collisions here :( ncpoints = [] while len(cpoints) > 0: mind = 10000000 mini = -1 for i, p in enumerate(cpoints): if min(mind, (p - v1).length) < mind: mini = i mind = (p - v1).length ncpoints.append(cpoints.pop(mini)) cpoints = ncpoints # endsorting if startinside: isinside = True else: isinside = False for cp in cpoints: v3 = cp # print(v3) if v.length == 0: ratio = 1 else: fractvect = v3 - v1 ratio = fractvect.length / v.length collisionz = v1.z + v.z * ratio np1 = (v3.x, v3.y, collisionz) np2 = (v3.x, v3.y, max(collisionz, bridgeheight)) if not isinside: newpoints.extend((np1, np2)) else: newpoints.extend((np2, np1)) isinside = not isinside startinside = endinside vi += 1 else: newpoints.append(chp1) vi += 1 interrupted = True ch.set_points(newpoints) # create bridge cut curve here count = 0 isedge = 0 x2, y2 = 0, 0 for pt in newpoints: x = pt[0] y = pt[1] z = pt[2] if z == bridgeheight: # find all points with z = bridge height count += 1 if ( isedge == 1 ): # This is to subdivide edges which are longer than the width of the bridge edgelength = hypot(x - x2, y - y2) if edgelength > o.bridges_width: # make new vertex verts.append(((x + x2) / 2, (y + y2) / 2, o.min_z)) isedge += 1 edge = [count - 2, count - 1] edges.append(edge) count += 1 else: x2 = x y2 = y verts.append((x, y, o.min_z)) # make new vertex isedge += 1 if isedge > 1: # Two points make an edge edge = [count - 2, count - 1] edges.append(edge) else: isedge = 0 # verify if vertices have been generated and generate a mesh if verts: mesh = + "_cut_bridges") # generate new mesh # integrate coordinates and edges mesh.from_pydata(verts, edges, faces) object_data_add(bpy.context, mesh) # create object bpy.ops.object.convert(target="CURVE") # convert mesh to curve # join all the new cut bridges curves join_multiple( + "_cut_bridges") remove_doubles() # remove overlapping vertices
[docs] def auto_cut_bridge(o): """Automatically processes a bridge collection. This function retrieves a bridge collection by its name from the provided object and checks if there are any objects within that collection. If there are objects present, it prints "bridges" to the console. This function is useful for managing and processing bridge collections in a 3D environment. Args: o (object): An object that contains the attribute Returns: None: This function does not return any value. """ bridgecollectionname = o.bridges_collection_name bridgecollection =[bridgecollectionname] if len(bridgecollection.objects) > 0: print("bridges")